Stay Safe Out There…
Holiday Here In the States… It seems a ritual on this holiday to blow stuff up for no particular reason. It scares all animals and really hurts all the military vets who saw one form of action or another while serving. And down here where the temperature today hit 112 degrees F and is about 8% humidity, blowing stuff up with lots of sparks for some reason unknown to the idiots causes a ton of fires. The professional fireworks displays put on by a few of the casinos make sense, and are done safely, but all the illegal fireworks are far from safe, especially in the hands of someone with…
Workshop Sale and Great New Class…
I Wanted to Bring This Post Back… I first posted this on Thursday night as everyone was headed into the holiday weekend here in the States. So posting it again tonight so more see it. If you already read it, sorry for the duplication. —– Kris and I, since the Licensing Expo, have been working on a large new class called… Indie Writer’s Products Class It has so much stuff to cover, it turned into TWO (2) Nine Week Classes with eight assignments each and six recorded webinars each. Part One and Part Two. These two classes are an attempt to help indie writers take their business and their income…
I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part 11
Expectations… I say this little introduction to each new parts… New fiction writers coming in now are really torn between all the myths and hype of traditional publishing and all the myths and hype of indie publishing. But as I said back in the first post of this series, the paperback era of big publishing is pretty much done, and the distribution of fiction is changing over to the electronic era of indie publishing, with indie writers in charge. These kinds of major shifts in fiction distribution to the readers has happened four major times through the history of this country, with each new era lasting about 50 years and…
Workshops Starting
With a Sale Going On!! There is an amazing list of writing and business workshops that are starting next week (Tuesday and Wednesday). And at the same time there is a half-price sale going on. All the subscriptions, challenges, workshops, lectures, pop-ups, and regular classes are on WMG Teachable. And to get anything you want at half price, simple hit purchase of the course you want and then on the next page put in the code: Products And hit apply and you will be able to get it at half price. Of course, there are over 300 different courses on WMG Teachable, not counting the Lifetime Subscriptions and the bundles…
Special Workshop Sale!!!
All Because of the Product’s Class… Kris and I, since the Licensing Expo, have been working on a large new class called… Indie Writer’s Products Class It has so much stuff to cover, it turned into TWO (2) Nine Week Classes with eight assignments each and six recorded webinars each. Part One and Part Two. These two classes are an attempt to help indie writers take their business and their income to the next level. And with the webinars in each class, it will allow us to all work together to move forward and share ideas. Note: The webinars will be recorded and posted on the class and will only…
So You Wrote a Book…
You Have Options… How do you get that book to readers? There are an amazingly large number of ways. Let me list the five major ways and then explain them a little. Keep in mind that books could and have been written about doing all five. 1… Traditional Publishing 2… Retail Sales Worldwide 3… Crowdfunding 4… Direct Sales On Websites 5… Personal events Traditional Publishing… In 2023, no writer with an ounce of brains who lives in the real world instead of myth-world, would spend the years and years to sign a small deal with a traditional publisher only to lose all copyright and control of the book. This way…
Preparing for Product Class…
Announcing Later In the Week… Kris and I are doing a lot of preparing for a fantastic Product Class(s) that will end up being two nine-week classes. Both will have weekly webinars. One class will be offered in July/August and the second in September/October. Sort of a part one and part two kind of thing. (Yes, from the production to the business side of products with your books and in your store, there is a ton of stuff to cover and with the webinars we can cover it together at times.) The webinars will be recorded so everyone can see them so you don’t have to make a certain time,…
What is Up To Speed?
A Good Question… I have said in a number of my reports lately that after all the issues with the eyes over the winter, I am now climbing back up to speed, starting slowly in April and adding a little bit each week. But what is my speed that I am trying to get back to? Let me do the math to explain it. Fact one… I write about 1,000 words an hour with a break. Fact two… I only count consumable words, such as fiction I finish (I finish everything) and nonfiction that will go to a wide audience such as an introduction to a book or this blog.…
Four More Pop-Ups Now Up!
Four of the Eight Fantasy Series Now Out!!! Those of you got these for stretch rewards in the Fantasy Collides Kickstarter, you should have gotten an update for backers with the codes to the four classes to get into them. I will post the next four later in the week. Better to do four at a time. There were eight total Pop-Ups in this writing fantasy series. They will all be on on Teachable. First four are there now. Also, for those of you with a lifetime subscription to the Pop-Ups, they are posted in there as well. The four new Pop-Ups are: Pop-Up #84… Writing Weird Fantasy Pop-Up #85……
Half Way…
The Year Will Be Half Over on Saturday… Seems impossible, but yet it is. I got back to writing completely on April 1st after vision issues had stopped me and I learned this month that my vision now is what it will be going forward. As the doc said, “Your eyes look like a war zone.” So now, after three months of ramping up, learning how to write with the new vision, I feel like I am back to full writing speed again this week for the first time since last November. That bodes well for the second half of the year. I will be posting the July workshops tomorrow.…