• Challenge,  workshops


    Hall and Oates Fight… This came through Variety Magazine. An article on a restraining order Hall filed against Oates and why. All copyright and collaboration related. One quote from the article… “According to the AP report, what it is that Hall can’t go for is Oates’ desire to sell his share of the duo’s Whole Oats Enterprises to the investment firm, which already purchased a “significant” stake in their catalog rights 16 years ago. Hall has indicated that he regrets not owning all his publishing.” Now back as the pandemic started, we started and then stopped a collaboration class. Ended up we could not do it as intended for a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    We Know This Is Sort Of Silly…

    Like Having Access To A Library… For years, Kris and I have been wanting to offer our writing fans a way to get everything we have ever published through WMG Publishing. That’s right, almost 50 years each of writing. But it was never possible. Until now!! Every eBook on the WMGBooks.com online store shelves. EVERY eBook. Now and published in the future. Over a thousand titles so far with hundreds still left to be added in the next few months. Not counting all the new writing and projects coming up in the future. This is a LIFETIME subscription. That means… EVERY Kristine Kathryn Rusch title. And all of her pen…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshops For The New Year…

    On Sale at 50% Off Until Tuesday! Here are some of the classes starting January 2024 that you can get half price for a few more days. MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY It is starting January 1st, 2024. Three motivational videos and a pithy comment every Monday morning. All year long. All positive about writing and publishing. And you can grab all four quarters in a bundle and get one quarter free. (Everything subscribers… what a deal you are getting. I sent you a letter with a code to get into the bundle.) Interested in the Everything Subscription in the sale, just write me. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    All Workshops Available for Sale!!! Workshop Sale First! Yup… Black Friday and Cyber Monday and Small Business Tuesday are all coming up  so beside sales on the Shopify stores, we are doing a workshop sale. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And below are some really cool new workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or workshop you want to take, then on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will get the class or workshop or whatever for 50% off. Code is: BlackFriday50 Any problems or questions, feel free to write me. New Classes!! Indie Writer’s Guide to Shopify…

  • Challenge

    5 am…

    I’m Up Still Doing Assignments… Typing (if you call it that) with one hand still. Very slow. But the fine folks at PT want me to slowly live a little more each day without the brace. Yay… Progress. And I am back driving. Huge progress… I hope to bring the writing back up as soon as I can type with both hands. Soon. Blogs will get longer when that happens. (grin) And assignments won’t take me until 5 am.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    All Special Workshops…

    Codes Sent To Everyone… If you thought you were supposed to be in one, first check your spam filter, then if nothing there write Steph at subscriptions@wmgbooks.com and we will get it figured out. Still typing with one hand so here is a cat picture. A young Gavin when we first moved to Vegas after his long car ride.  

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Still Braced…

    Getting Some Exercise… We were scheduled for a 3.8 mile charity run today. Kris and Ron and Lisa Collins and Brigid Collins did the entire thing. I walked to the aid station at 1.2 miles and turned around so managed  2.4 miles of exercise. Beautiful day, fun lunch afterward. Here are some pictures. (These blogs are short since I am still typing one handed,) Kris with her medal… Ron and Lisa finishing. Me hanging up the medal they gave me just for being out there

  • Challenge,  Smiths Monthly

    Questions About Smith’s Monthly…

    Is It Coming Back? Answer… I sure hope so. Stopped with #67 last fall when I had the eye issues. Now delayed a bit more with the shoulder injury, but my hope is early next year. Writing comes back up first, then the magazine. Got to get up to at least 70,000 words of fiction a month to fill it. I appreciate the questions about it.

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse #23…

    Published Today!!! Great stories as normal and #23 features a brand new Spade Paladin Conundrum novelette by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. You can grab a copy on the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine store. The store also has all the back issues and also all the Pulphouse anthologies and some really cool merchandise. As for the stories coming in every month from the Kickstarter prompts, thanks for understanding that I have been delayed reading for some strange reason. (grin) I will start reading again shortly. Grab the new issue A good one, but I would say that because as editor I like them all.