
Last Day of the Sale and These Type of Blogs

Still Doing My Blog Every Night, No Worries…

But now I am going back to the writing and publishing stuff, I bored myself with all this workshop-buy-this stuff.

So since we have no more new Shopify stores on the horizon, thus no more workshop sales, I can go back to writing the branding series I started and also blogs about corporations and different things I have been wanting to get to.

I am going to entertain myself here for a few months. Stay turned, might get interesting. (grin)

I will also try to start a feature here promoting fiction Kickstarters at times and what works and doesn’t work with them so we can all learn how to bring that skill into our tool boxes.

So last day of the workshop sale. Information in any of the last bunch of these blogs… Great classes at half price. No sale coming around again any time soon.

And head’s up, we are flying face first into THE TIME OF GREAT FORGETTING. Guard against it if you can.


    • dwsmith

      Not a clue what that might be, but making sound effects is difficult in print and often comes out funny. Having a character describe a sound and react to the sound and compare the sound is much, much better.

  • Kris Rusch

    Do you mean audio books, Alexander? If so, there are places to buy sound effects, but if you only use one, then the book will sound weird.