Patreon Updates
Smith’s Monthly #57 and 3 Raw Stories… Got those on Patreon. If you want to really see what Smith’s Monthly looks like, read the pdf version. You get to see it completely. And the last five pages with all the covers of all 57 issues is pretty stunning. But for those of you at the $5 level on Patreon and above, I put up both the Bookfunnel link and the pdf of Smith’s #57, the January issue. Also put up three more raw short stories from the challenge. What is slowing me down is the covers, of course. I did those three in an hour, but I got to find…
Some Updates
Just Catching Up… Update #1: If you backed our Crimes Collide kickstarter campaign, you should have gotten a survey on Friday. If you did not, check you spam filter in the email address you used on Kickstarter. If you still can’t find it, email Josh at subscriptions@wmgbooks.com Update #2: February regular workshops start on Tuesday and Wednesday, including the new Pulp Speed Writing class, which will be interesting in a lot of ways. March workshops will get posted next week. Update #3: Kris and I got a bunch of information on licensing this afternoon, some of which we knew, some of which was confirmed, some new. That will show up…
Books Published 4th Quarter
Wonder Why I Don’t Announce Publications of My Books… I get that all the time from early stage writers, wondering why I don’t promote my books better. Besides not caring that much, let me show you why. Allyson, the publisher at WMG Publishing, sent me the list of books I published in the fourth quarter of 2021. She sends the list of books Kris published in each quarter as well. And she sends along the links to get to the books on their pages in WMG Publishing in case I do want to promote something. All of these are for sale on the WMG Publishing store as well. So, in…
Challenge Still Going Strong
27 Short Stories in 27 Days… I will start tomorrow doing covers for them and getting the raw manuscripts up on Patreon. And finally get all that done there, including issues of Smith’s Monthly. But going to take through the weekend because I still have other stuff to catch up. A number of times my critical voice (which only exists in the form of “Why am I wasting my time.” I have all other critical voice wiped out.”) came roaring up. A few days I was just too tired, but wrote a story anyway. So just getting each story done each day and having fun writing. I talked about all…
Crimes Collide Kickstarter Ends Today!
Ends At 7 PM West Coast Time… You don’t want to miss this one, folks. It has done so well, we are giving a ton of books and writer’s classes away, plus you get five books full of 100 Mystery Stories written by me and Kris. 50 of mine, 50 of hers in five volumes called CRIMES COLLIDE. The two special workshops in this one will help any writer learn how to write and sell more mystery. And the Pop-Up Classes we are giving away that are focused on mystery have a value right now of $1,050.00 and could go higher this last day. (Here is a deal I should…
Less Than 40 Hours Left in Crimes Collide
I Am Very Proud of These Books… Last year we did Colliding Worlds, where Kris and I each put ten science fiction short stories into a book and did six books for a total of 120 stories. This year in CRIMES COLLIDE we put ten mystery stories from me and ten from Kris into a book. Five books for a total of 100 stories. 50 from me, 50 from Kris. Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign No matter what reward you take, you will get all five volumes of CRIMES COLLIDE. Plus we have some amazing stretch rewards as we hit certain goals along the way. Right now we have gone by…
Only Two Days Left In Crimes Collide Kickstarter
Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… 5 Books This had just gone past the sixth stretch goal and we have time to hit more if everyone can help us pass the word. Every backer gets all five books. Here is how to get to it… Crimes Collide Kickstarter. Remember, there are two Special three-week workshops like we have been doing. WRITING MYSTERY ENDINGS and WRITING CROSS-GENRE MYSTERY. I am really, really looking forward to both of those. You can get one or both. And either way you get the five mystery books full of 100 short stories as well. But this time we did something really nuts with the stretch rewards…
Six Weeks of Motivational Mondays…
I’m Having Fun With Them… And the “Pithy Comment” each week as well. Six weeks so far since I started back in December. 3 videos plus the comment each week. So each quarter there should be 39 videos and 13 Pithy Comments. (More this first quarter since I started early.) You can jump into them at any point. I hope those of you in there are enjoying them. So tonight, for the 23rd story this month, I did another Bryant Street story and for the first time in the hundred or so Bryant Street stories I have written, this is the first one that could easily be a novel and…
Patreon, Master Class, and More
A Bunch of Stuff… First off, for those of you who are supporting my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/deanwesleysmith, I have attempted to put up in raw form the first two stories from the challenge with covers. No clue if it worked and if only the correct tiers can see the posts. I will be putting up some Smith’s Monthly issues shortly for all supporters. But tonight trying to learn the ropes on this. If some of you who are familiar with Patreon would let me know how I did, that would be appreciated. Thanks!! Master Business Class Finally it has all 13 of the first basic foundation classes up. That is…
A Day In The Life…
A Challenge Day… People ask me at times to detail out my days, so figured I could do it quickly tonight. I won’t do this every night because I would bore myself to tears, but this is what I did today. Rolled out around 11 am after going to bed at 3:30 am. Thankfully the construction in the condo beside us was light and let me sleep. Working on changing my eating habits to more healthy food, so actually made myself a couple waffles this morning instead of my normal breakfast bar (that is awful) and tomorrow I will switch to oatmeal and almond milk for breakfast with a little…