• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Mentor Focus Projects

    I Got Some Questions from Writers… So figured I would just lay out the idea behind the Mentor Focused Projects tonight instead of waiting any longer. The idea is that you have an area of publishing or writing that you would like some intense focus on, intense help to learn about for a period of time to learn it, then you would write me and ask if that area would be possible. Kris and I (and if needed Allyson and Gwyneth at WMG) will all consult, but everything will go through me. They would just help me make sure I got stuff correct that I was telling you. The cost…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Another General Day

    Some New Covers, Workshops Caught Up, Other Stuff… Didn’t get a story done tonight, didn’t even start one. Just did other stuff. Tomorrow back on a regular story per day again. Should be interesting to fire back up. I really miss not being regular at it. I think this is day #111 or so, and I think I have about 90 or so stories done. I’ll know more tomorrow as I finally start using my new tracking and filing system. But 90 sure isn’t bad and 21 is easy to make up. Should have that made up around August 1st. Maybe sooner if I get on a run. So not…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    All Kinds of Stuff Today

    A Day of Finally Getting to Things… We all have those kinds of days. And I got a hunch I will be doing more and more of that this week and through next week as the craziness ebbs some after a stupidly long month of no time to breath it seemed. And yes, on the challenge, I missed some nights. But I will talk about that later and am writing fine now, so more than likely will start doing some extra stories next week to put in the missed slots. And I finally have my system in place. Part of what caused me to miss was my system collapsed, as…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Recommended Reading


    WOW, THIS IS A GREAT BUNDLE!!! And it has a $150 Pop-Up class in it as well, all part of the ten projects to help with your writing and publishing. Kris curated this and did a fantastic job. This one is worth grabbing, folks, and telling people about. You can get it at www.storybundle.com/writing. And while you are at Storybundle, Kris and I both have books and one of our major collections in Celestial Sagas bundle put together by Robert Jeschonick. It is a great one. So you can grab a bundle to help you with the writing and publishing and a bundle of great reading. So here is Kris’s…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    How Do I Keep Going…

    When a Big Project Is Finished? I get this question a bunch, usually from someone who has just finished one of the big challenges, like a story per week or a novel every two months. Very real and very tough question. The essence is that when the motivation to do something in writing stops, how to replace it with an as-effective or better motivation? The answer is, of course, “It depends…” “And it is different for every person…” But here is how I would look at it. First, look at the motivation that has been keeping you going through everything. Sit down and list why it kept you going, the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    More Pictures of Writers of the Future

    They Sent Me a Bunch… Thought I would share some. The first two pictures is a sight many of you see who take workshops online. Here the poor students in one day got me for 2.5 straight hours on a topic called “The New World.”  I hope it all made sense. The next picture is the next day. Tim Powers and I did 45 minutes or so on the fun, the insanity, and dangers of Hollywood. We both had some fun stories. Next picture is at the signing. All the writers and judges had to sign a few hundred books. Fun assembly line. Across from me was Rob Sawyer. Luckily…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Last Day Finally Of the Sale

    Extended to Sunday Evening Late… Then done. To get any thing on WMG Teachable at half price, go to WMG Teachable and hit see all. Then find the class or workshop or whatever you want, hit purchase and on the next page put in the code: SpringSale to get the class or workshop at half price. Any questions, feel free to write me. ———– Now for a picture of my trip to Writers of the Future. It is me at the podium thanking Galaxy Press and Writers of the Future for trusting me with the editing job and promising to do the best job I can do, right before I…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Front List and Back List

    Talked About This Before… But yesterday I got this newsletter that comes out monthly focused about 95% on traditional publishing. And let me tell you, folks, from the sounds of things in traditional publishing, everything is just doing great. (Note I said from the sounds of things.) They are using all kinds of hinky percentage increases that are statistically bogus and mean nothing. And, of course, the real reasons the balance sheets are standing strong under observation of public traded corporations are the IP valuations and depreciation of those IP assets. Book sales are not holding these companies up, let alone the companies vast expenses in New York property, or…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    4 New Classic Workshops

    Finally Got Them All Up… And extended the half price sale until Sunday night so anyone interested in these new four can grab them in the sale. The four new classic workshops are: Attitude in Writing Secrets of Craft in Writing Publishing 101 Kickstarter Step By Step All four of these were originally regular workshops, so all have about 42-45 videos in them in a six week structure. But they are classic workshops, so you do not turn in the assignments, but do them for yourself. So until Sunday you can get these four and everything else on Teachable for half price by simply hitting purchase on what you want…

  • Challenge,  workshops


    Workshops Half Price Until Sunday Evening… This is my fault and I hope it helps some of you. I have three workshops I had intended to move to Classic status before the sale ended, but since it was going to end today, and I wasn’t going to get to moving the workshops to classic until late today, three or four people asked and I just moved the end of the sale back until Sunday evening. The three formally regular workshops that will be classic workshops are Attitude, Secrets, and Publishing 101. So watch for those tomorrow afternoon or evening and grab them for half off. To get anything on WMG…