“You Go To Them” Negotiation Lecture Started
I Hope… Teachable seems to be having a little issue this evening, so I hope all the videos are loaded correctly. If not, I will fix it in the morning. But this is the second in the series of Negotiations lectures which include webinars. You need to go through the first one, which is “They Come To You” before you can take the second one. You can get to them on Teachable.com. Get the bundle of all three to save a few bucks. So those of you signed up, there is a question for you that is due later in the week. Webinar is Sunday. UPDATE: Teachable got it all…
Finished the 1/2 Marathon
13.1 Miles… I would have been sore tonight anyway, but after the spill yesterday and the cracked ribs and banged up shoulder, I now question my sanity. Almost 40,000 step day for those of you counting steps. Painful at times to say the least. But I made it. Slow, not so sure, but made it along with 40,000 other half and full marathon runners. Right along the Strip in both directions. From beyond the airport to the downtown area. And back. Kris met me just before the nine mile mark near our place downtown and took some fun photos. Me in the normal crowd… Me near one of the many…
Workshop Credit Sale
I Was Reminded… Because of one of my posts, a couple people reminded me that often this time of the year, before Christmas, we offer online regular workshops at the same rate we offer them in the Fiction River Kickstarter. But only for a short time. I looked back and we have done this three years in a row now, so thanks, folks for the reminder. We’re going to do it for the 4th year starting today. So here is how it works. — Any regular workshop credit can be bought for $250. (Regularly $300) for the next week. (7 days, ending on November 19th) –You can buy as many…
The Run Went Well Until It Didn’t
Best Start So Far… This was in the 5k the day before the Rock and Roll Marathon and Half Marathon. About 30,000 plus were running. Massive to say the least. Even with bad traffic, we got there in time and I stayed with Kris for the start. Then I went out ahead of her as I normally do. And for the first time I was feeling great. Didn’t need to walk at all. Until, that is, just beyond the 1.5 mile mark when I tripped on something and instantly hit the concrete very hard. Managed to fall correctly, so only jarred myself, knocked the wind out of me, and I…
Anthology Workshop
Write Six Stories, Then Possibly Sell Them… I am sort of surprised, in an odd way, that for the first time in years, the anthology workshop is not full at this point. We have five spots left open and the sign-ups end on November 24th because the writing starts on the 25th. Of course, almost all the northwest people are no longer coming. For years they had it easy. But for everyone else, Vegas is cheaper to get to than the coast and a ton easier in March. Let me change that metaphor. Light years easier. This might be the best workshop we do. But also the most frightening because…
Finally Done With A Warm-Up Book
Yup, Finished the Short Novel… It’s a Thunder Mountain novella or short novel. Finished it this morning. Those who are following my 100 day challenge with letters will get a uncorrected copy of it in a week or so. I think I will send along another Thunder Mountain book or two as well to them because this one might take a little knowledge of the Thunder Mountain books. Kris will let me know about that after she reads it. I am finally getting the entire schedule thing worked out and am writing again solidly, now in the mornings. So tomorrow I will start a brand new book (no idea which…
A Fun Event Today
The Big Expo… Kris and I spent a large part of our afternoon not only getting into the Las Vegas Convention Center, but then picking up our bibs and all the bling and such for the runs this coming weekend. (We came away with 6 shirts from the thing. We are both going to run the 5k on Saturday evening. Then on Sunday I’m going to do the half-marathon. 13.1 miles or so. I had planned on the full marathon, but I can’t finish it in five hours which is the limit they allow before they open back up all the roads. Besides, I am still too heavy and I…
Valor: Military SF Bundle
I Have Had the Privilege of Curating a Story Bundle… This one is called Valor: Military Science Fiction. And wow is it a good one. https://www.storybundle.com/scifi Even though I am not known for writing military science fiction, I may have written more military sf novels than just about anyone. Not kidding. Why is that? I am known for writing Star Trek and that is military science fiction at its finest. But often readers don’t think of Star Trek as military science fiction. It is just Star Trek. My second published novel was a Star Trek novel in the Deep Space Nine series under a pen name and written with Kristine…
Thanks To Those I Met This Morning
Some Wonderful and Very Smart Writers… It was great to meet so many names that I knew from here or workshops, but had never put a face to. That was super fun. Thank you! I had to be up this morning early (so no writing this morning) to be at the 20BooksTo50K Conference here in Las Vegas. I had 40 minutes to give a short course on Writing into the Dark, a topic that takes six weeks to go over in a regular workshop. (Just starting now in November, actually. Information below.) I had fun with the forty minutes and no one shot at me from the audience, so I…
Anthology Workshop Started Up
And There Are Now Seven Openings… I started the 2019 Anthology Workshop group list. And will be sending out hotel information and first story information over that list shortly. So if you were planning on attending the workshop in March, which we start writing for in three weeks, contact me now. That’s right… there is three weeks of writing three stories at the end of November and early December, then time off for the holidays, then three more weeks of writing in January. Then a lot of reading. So really the workshop starts at the end of November. So time is almost up to sign up for this one. And you…