More Cover Information
Someone Asked… How long does it take me to do these covers? On the short story paperbacks, I use the same art I used when I first did the story, but the template is brand new and the art is sometimes interesting trying to make it fit. All the novels that represent the novel in Smith’s Monthly have been redone over the years, so I am using that new art for them. But I am going ahead at decent speed, so I decided to time how long it took me to do these new covers. It took exactly 15 minutes to put in the new art on Smith’s Monthly #2,…
September Regular Workshops Starting
Yes, They Are Starting… It Really Is September… August seems to have vanished, we are past the time of great forgetting and time to fire back up on your writing. And workshops can help you get the focus back. But something special about these September regular workshops. After September, four of these workshops will no longer be regular workshops, but instead will be classic. That’s right, for almost half of these workshops it will be the last time you can take it with homework turned in. Research, Author Voice, Point of View, and Novel Structure are all going to Classic after this month. So if you want to take these workshop…
You Get Books…
Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter… The Subscription Drive hit its third stretch goal, so everyone backing the kickstarter at this point gets the following: 1… An extra issue of the magazine. 2… Two special anthologies. 3… Choice of a WMG Lecture And we are on the way to the next stretch goal, which will get a third book for everyone and choice of a Classic Workshop, and considering six workshops are being added to the classic list this next month, that’s perfect timing. So I hope you back the subscription drive. Some great reading. And for you writers, there are numbers of options there for workshops as well, one spot in…
Even More Cover Fun
Ramping Back Up Smith’s Monthly… So as I learned InDesign again, I not only had to do short story covers, but I had to also do the far more complex covers and interior of Smith’s Monthly, since that magazine is finally ready to return in a few months. So in Issue #1 of Smith’s Monthly, way back, I put a book that became a prequel in my Seeder’s Universe. It had a pretty bad cover on it and I used the same awful artwork for the first issue of Smith’s Monthly. So practicing now, I wanted to start working my way through all the back issues of the magazine, using…
Trademark for Fiction Writers… Chapter Three
CHAPTER THREE… (Please read the introduction and first and second chapter to this book before reading this. You can find them at… Introduction and First Chapter and Second Chapter.) And you need to buy the book Trademark: Legal Care for Your Business and Product Name by Stephen Fishman. For a quick moment here in this third chapter, I want to relay ways to think about trademarks, and the level of value a mark has in use. (In Chapter Nine of Fishman’s Trademark book he goes into more depth on these in similar, but slightly different ways. Worth the read.) Basically there are five ways to look at trademarks and evaluate their…
Book Ads and Workshops Going Classic
Yup, We Do Ads! For anyone who has picked up the paper version of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, you notice a lot of ads for many WMG books and magazines. But you will also see 1/3 page ads for books from the author of a story in the magazine. That’s right, we give the author a free 1/3 page ad to put with their story to advertise another book of theirs. We can’t do it in the electronic editions, but we do it in the paper version. From industry standards, the black and white ad is valued about $300 for the third page. So for the , we are offering any…
The Myth of Talent
Maybe One of the Most Deadly of All Myths… Talent is a measure of skill at a certain moment in time. So many writers use talent as an excuse to not do something. That excuse comes in a ton of different forms. “I already know that, so I don’t have to learn more.” “I’m not talented at doing (blank), so not going to try that.” “Dean and Kris can do this, but I can’t.” And on and on and on. Basically this talent myth grows out of fear, out of laziness, out of a person’s past. Using the talent myth in either direction will stop you, hold you back, and…
Holiday Pop-Up Special!!!
Write New Stories for Each Pop-Up… There are fourteen Pop-Ups in the series now. List is below. And for a short week or so with each one when it first appeared, anyone who signed up got a chance to write a story from a prompt and send it to me. But once that week was past, the opportunity to write passed. Videos are all still there to learn from, of course. (About 12-15 videos per Pop-Up on each subject.) Right now, #14 How to Make a Living Writing Short Fiction has a story prompt with it that is due in just under two weeks. And you can sign up for…
Short Story Pop-Up
Pop-Up #14 Will Be Up Tomorrow… HOW TO MAKE A LIVING WRITING SHORT FICTION Yup, I went and did it. I’ve done numbers of blogs on this topic, so figured it was time to add more to it and put it all in video form. And, of course, a short story assignment is included and is something special. I will have the Pop-Up available and in the bundles tomorrow evening (Tuesday), but since I just had fun recording it, thought I would mention it here. — Also going to be doing more videos in the Licensing Transition tomorrow or Wednesday, so might want to jump in on that if you…
Just Hit 100 Backers!
Wow, just Wow!… Thank you everyone, for the support so far on this on Kickstarter. It has been fantastic and now, hitting 100 backers is so very cool! Not only are we a “Project We Love” with Kickstarter, but that backer number helps us get found in the Kickstarter world as well. So thank you, everyone, for the quick and wonderful support. And we have some great stretch goals on the horizon as well, including one we won’t announce until we make the next one. The Zip Line stretch goal. So check it out here and remember, with the add-ons, you can combine awards very simply if you want more…