• Challenge,  publishing

    Another Long Moving Day

    Got the Original Pulphouse Books Up and In Place… Wow, we did a lot of books, especially when you consider three or four states per book. 285 different titles. Took a bunch of moving from our office condo which is where they were to up here. Also today submitted for approval another Kickstarter Campaign. This one for Pulphouse Magazine subscriptions.  Going to be a good one. In fact, it has two special three-week workshops that will run in September and October. You can only sign up for them through the campaign. One is a complete redo of HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY. Not even going to look at the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Massive Move Day

    Gaining On It… The goal is by 1 week from today, when the movers show up, everything will either be in place in this new condo or ready to go to our new storage unit. Almost no furniture except shelving will go to storage. Just a dining table and chairs, and one desk, but a ton of boxes full of books and files. Basically all our extra author books is the biggest mass. And we will move the digest collection from the other smaller storage unit to this new larger one since the larger one is air conditioned. So everything needs to be boxed and either upstairs in our new…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Sucked Down a Copyright Hole…

    I Do That To Myself At Times… I am such a copyright junkie, when given the excuse, I find myself going deeper and deeper into legal articles and having so much fun. That’s where I lost a few hours tonight. If you have no idea why I would think copyright is fun, take the Magic Bakery classic workshop. Or read my book on the topic. Copyright is magic and is why WMG Publishing exists, five employees have their jobs, and Kris and I live in this fantastic new place. One place I played tonight was the 35 year rule. For example, I signed maybe 60 Work for Hire contracts in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Business Master Class Started

    Turn On Your Email on Teachable… If you are in the Business Master Class and didn’t get a letter from me tonight, you have your email off on Teachable. I will communicate a bunch in the Business Master Class and other workshops through Teachable email. Turn it on if you want announcements and other information. Just go to your Teachable dashboard. For those with it off, (meaning you did not get a letter from me) you need to go to the class and watch the first videos and there is a code there to get into Pop-Up #39 which is the first class of maybe up to 40 classed to…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Massive Movement on Move Stuff…

    Not a Lot of Writing… But Kris and I completed at lunch the first class for the Business Master Class. All I got to do is record it now and get it up. I will put a couple new introduction videos on the Business Master Class as well explaining everything. So as promised, starting up here in the middle of July. I think I have one of our old condos down to only a few hours of work left before the movers come in to take boxes and stuff to storage. The other one Kris and I will tackle together. I think our hardest problem in that one, our old…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Reset In August

    Not Enough Hours In the Month… Over the last seven days or so, I had been wondering why I hadn’t gotten to more hours at the computer. I was having a blast with the novel and with the writing, but just found myself doing things that needed to be done with the move and workshops. So yesterday I got the movers appointment set. It will be the 21st of the month. About 11 days I have to have everything in our old two condos boxed, the last of it moved up here to this new place that Kris and I needed to move (mostly a few books and a lot…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Eight

    Lots of Stuff Happening… Ended up getting another 3,000 plus words done, but again not breaking up into the next level for production for no reason other than I am just doing too many other things. And the story is fun, although I have a nagging feeling it will end up shorter than longer. Considering how bumpy a start this has been, I suppose that is better. At this point anything above a novella would be a win. How It Went… Got to the writing computer right at noon again today. Got 1,000 words or so done before heading off with Kris for lunch to work on the first thing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Seven

    Started Back Writing… About 3,500 words today. Not a full day at it, but better and the book is fun, so all good there as well. If I was walking the deadlines of this challenge, I would have the first book done, or very close. Nope, a ways from that. I’ll get there when I get there. How Did It Go? I got up after ten hours of sleep and managed to actually sit down at my writing computer directly at noon. 12:01 pm to be precise. I thought that was funny as the days before I got to the writing computer closer to 11 pm. So did about 1,000…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Six

    Skipped Day Five And did a ton of other things today once again and only managed a thousand words because I am so tired at the moment (12:30 am) to go back and write any more, so going for a good night’s sleep and see what tomorrow brings. Normally I would get two or three thousand more words tonight. Just nope. Not going to write any more tonight either here in this blog. I’ll catch up a bunch of stuff in tomorrow night’s post. This just keeps my blogging streak alive.  Night.

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Skipping a Day

    Still Will Have Four Novels Done In a Month… But as I expected, today turned into a complete work on other stuff day. Except for a few breaks to work on moving or go out to lunch, I spent all day at this internet computer. All day and now into the night. No eye left for my writing computer. Why did I do this? Well, here is why… The Fantasy Collections Class started. The Heroes and Heroines Collection Class started. Vastness of Space Class started. Writing Spaceships Class started. Plus all the regular Tuesday monthly classes for July started. Those are Covers 101, Publishing 101, Writing into the Dark, and…