70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  Fun Stuff

A Couple Updates…

Yes, I Am Still Reading…

Over this last week I read a bunch of stories from the Monetize and Writing a Pulphouse Story workshops. And even made offers on two of them for Pulphouse. But since I am really working to give every story a fair shot, meaning my eye isn’t tired and I have time to read the entire story if need be, the process is slow. But I think I have about 15 stories left is all, so with luck by the end of the week. So hold on, folks. I will announce when I got them all.

Tomorrow I will post here my 70@70 list and more.

This accomplishment is impossible for 99.9% of writers to even imagine. There are a few working in the world of 20Books that could imagine it as a publisher that includes other people’s books. But with only their own books, that makes it just flat impossible to imagine, let alone attempt.

I can tell you this for certain: Writing is a solitary sport. You sit alone in a room and make stuff up. But publishing is a team sport most of the time and I had for this last year maybe the best team in publishing behind me. And besides my speed at projects and writing, the team made it possible to get them all into print.

I will start explaining more tomorrow when this year officially comes to an end and 70 more major books with my name on them are in print. When I started this I honestly figured to fail to success. But nope… Total success. So more tomorrow.