• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    July Through October Workshop Schedule Posted

    And Yes, Two New Workshops Are There… Both Information Flow and The Magic Bakery workshops are starting in July. Lifetime subscribers, the workshops are already in your subscription and no need to sign up. You can take it in July as it unfolds per week, or do it at any time after July when you want. Everyone else, to sign up for any workshop, just go to Teachable. Or if you have a credit you want to use, write me and I’ll give you a code to get in. Full list of workshops from July through October is now posted. With a couple spots left open for new workshops later in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    That Was Very Interesting…

    THANK YOU!… Everyone, for the feedback, both in the comments and in letters. Both Kris and I were surprised, to be honest. The desire for a depth-like workshop talking about information flow was across the board. And even the Magic Bakery had a lot of people wanting to take it. Plus we got a bunch of other ideas for workshops. Some were on our lists like a Romance online workshop (very different from the intense craft Romance workshop Kris will do in Vegas next year). But one idea hadn’t occurred to us and that was a workshop about how to use tags. Tags are one of the most powerful tools…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Two Possible New Workshops

    Scheduling and Trying to Decide… Working on the next four months of regular workshop schedules and I have sort of settled on two new workshops I would love to put together with Kris. So feedback is welcome. And yes, lifetime subscribers you will get any new workshop we do automatically. So first off, I like the idea of doing a Magic Bakery Workshop. Six weeks covering all kinds of details about how writers make a living and run a business with the focus on copyright and IP valuation. Now we did two advanced lectures on those two topics, but this would be so, so much more detailed and into the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Tip of the Week Delayed Until Friday

    Stupid Blog Title, Huh?… But alas, I won’t be able to record a new tip until Friday, so a new one on Friday and then another on Monday. Then back on schedule. Considering all this move stuff, pretty amazing I have only missed one so far. Insider Guide workshops started up today. The Game and Fear. Both will have weekly webinars. Trust me on the Game. It will change your focus of your business. Doing three pen names through ten years of careers will make that happen. And on Tuesday and Wednesday the Monthly regular June workshops are starting up. As for what I did today, I unpacked a bunch…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    June Workshops Starting

    Insider’s Guide Workshops… Both of the new workshops, The Indie Game and Fear are starting tomorrow. Sunday. The first week’s videos will appear in both tomorrow afternoon and the first webinars will be a week from tomorrow for both. We did both workshops originally as the weekend workshops. We are not changing out the videos because other than a mention of a day instead of a week, the teaching is fine in them. And the live webinars will really add to the learning. Sign up on Teachable at www.wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures@teachable.com. ————————- Also starting on Tuesday and Wednesday… June Regular Workshops All twelve June Regular six-week workshops are now available on Teachable…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Last Day

    Special Time of Great Forgetting Offer Extended… Today is the last day… The reason for this short extension is that I got busy and forgot to warn everyone the offer was ending when it ended this weekend. So we’re going to extend it just two days and today is the second of those two days. Here is the offer: Two Regular Workshops and Two Classic Workshops for $500.00 total. You can keep them as credits until you use them, be we hope you use a few of them in the next few months to fight back the Time of Great Forgetting. You will be happy you did when you hit…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Slight Extension

    Special Time of Great Forgetting Offer Extended… Just two days… The reason is that I got busy and forgot to warn everyone the offer was ending when it ended this weekend. So we’re going to extend it just two days. Here is the offer: Two Regular Workshops and Two Classic Workshops for $500.00 total. You can keep them as credits until you use them, be we hope you use a few of them in the next few months to fight back the Time of Great Forgetting. You will be happy you did when you hit August and September and are trying to restart. So to be clear. — Two regular…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Got Two New Workshops Live

    Well, Not New… New Form… On Teachable, you can find the two new webinar workshops. We moved over two from the Pop-Up workshops into the Insider’s Guide structure. And the reason is that the four webinars for each would be fantastic discussions. They are Insider’s Guide to the Indie Game and The Insider’s Guide to Fighting Fear in Your Writing. Both are June workshops, starting June 3rd when the first week of videos will appear. Webinar for the Indie Game will be Sunday June 10th at 11 a.m. West Coast USA time. Webinar for the Fear workshop will be at 1 p.m. West Coast USA Time. These are the exact…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Got Lost In Time

    Blog Time Got Lost Tonight… Between doing assignments, watching the Voice finals, and packing boxes of books, time just got away from me and now I need to go get some sleep. So here I am again doing a filler post because of the blog streak of doing a blog every day. I think I am over 2,000 straight days now without a miss. I would have to figure it out. And that shows the power of a streak. ——————– So Here, Once Again, Is Workshop Information… Easy to cut and paste. (grin) But two offers have ended as of yesterday. Vegas Workshop Special ended and the Webinars closed off.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Some Reminders on This Friday

    Updates and New Stuff… Just wanted to mention some new workshop stuff and remind people that some things are ending. I know it is smack in the middle of the time of great forgetting, but sometimes workshops or planning for workshops can help keep a little focus on the writing during these months. So first off, we have a nifty new web site for the Vegas workshops. WMGWorkshops.com. Pretty clear and simple address and a really nifty site that just launched describing the Vegas workshops. And speaking of the Vegas workshops, we are about to end the special deal we were offering. A couple more days is all. Write me…