• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine


    PULPHOUSE FICTION MAGAZINE Subscription Drive 2024!! Launches at noon with all kinds of great, fun stuff, including special workshops, stretch goals with a chance to submit to the magazine, great merchandise, and some amazing reading. Every backer of anything in the campaign gets a six-issue subscription to the magazine. Like any magazine these days, we need subscribers to keep going. So come take a look. We launch at noon. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2024 But first, take a look at this wonderful and fun story about Thumper’s Quest done by Kris.    

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    All Stories Read and Back…

    Four Months of Pulphouse Submissions All Read… Thank you, everyone, for giving me a chance to read and possibly buy a story for Pulphouse by backing the Bryant Street Kickstarter back in February.  I had some great reading. All stories are now back to the authors, so if you didn’t get it, check your spam filter. As for another chance to send stories into Pulphouse, there is one coming. On Tuesday we are starting the annual Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscription drive. For writers, we will have stretch goals that will allow a story to be sent for submission by backers only. All will be explained in the campaign. And we…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Still Working Out the Kinks…

    New Issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Published… With the wrong cover. Oops… In the holiday issue, #24, I really wanted to feature Annie Reed’s fantastic new holiday story. We do that feature by using big header on the cover. (see the correct cover below) But the first cover without that feature got put on instead and sent out. And even loaded up to our store. Now understand, we just went monthly and then a few weeks into that, I broke my shoulder and couldn’t be of much help. But the October, November, and now the December issue made it out. And January issue is on time. So going monthly is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Only Four Days Left in Pulphouse Subscription Drive!!!

    Wow, This Has Gone By Quickly!! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine is just like any other magazine in one critical way. We need subscribers to stay alive. And that is what this Kickstarter subscription campaign is all about. Subscribers. Now granted, we sell copies and get subscriptions during the year, but not enough to stay afloat and pay the professional rates to all the authors. As the editor, I don’t take a salary, and the work at WMG Publishing is folded into the overall costs of running the business. But we won’t do a project if the project does not pay professional rates to the authors. Period. So that is what this…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Last Day!!

    And We Are Close to Next Stretch Goal! Just $900 away. If we hit that, all backers get another fun book of stories, plus another Pop-Up Workshop for writers. So please help us pass the word. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2021.  We finish at 7pm this evening, WEST COAST TIME. And the success of this subscription drive really gives Pulphouse Fiction Magazine a secure future for the next year. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am about that and relieved. The magazine has always been my baby, in both incarnations. So thank you, everyone, for the support. Now, if we can just hit that last stretch…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Having Fun In Week #2…

    Of the Making Money Workshop… I just spent the last few hours recording the second week of Making Money with Your Fiction Writing Workshop. Oh, my, I think I was punchy. (grin) But for me it’s a fun topic and I was having fun. I also realized while showing off an issue of Smith’s Monthly that by the time #45 comes out, it will be 2021, and Issue #44 came out in summer of 2017. Wow, 3.5 years between issues. Sort of been a crazy time, that’s for sure. But I am so excited about bringing it back. I have about eight or nine novels done and waiting to go…

  • News,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Is Coming Back!

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine That’s right, after twenty years, Pulphouse returns. Kris and I are bringing it back. I figured I had better talk a little about it here since I am the editor and I bought some really stunning and wonderful Pulphouse stories for the magazine this last week. But just to be clear, Kris is with me on this. Pulphouse was always the two of us and even though WMG Publishing Inc. is now the company behind Pulphouse, the magazine is still our vision. First Some History Kris and I started Pulphouse Publishing in 1987 and dissolved the corporation in 1996. We started off with Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and…