Once Again a Month Flashes Past
October Regular Workshops Start Tuesday… That’s right, this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. And for those of you who want to take the HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY starting on October first, you will get a survey soon, if not already today. Fill it out and get it back to WMG, then this weekend write me saying you wan to take it in October and I will give you the code to get in. This HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY workshop could only be signed up for through Kickstarter Pulphouse Subscription Drive. Sorry. It might be offered again in two years on the next Pulphouse Subscription Drive. Maybe. More…
Up Early for an Outing Tomorrow
With the Romance Workshop… Kris is taking the entire romance workshop on a field trip tomorrow. The mystery workshop in May went to the Mob Museum and this group gets to go to the Springs Preserve, and I’m going along because I am a member there and love the place. So got to be up early for me, so nothing tonight except to say there are seven more videos posted in the Licensing Transition and sign-ups for that are still open if interested. And sign-ups for the two Great Challenges are also still open. Lost two more writers this week, so far. And I am caught up, basically, on my…
Business Structure Pop-Up
We Planned on Doing This… But just moved it up after the reaction to my post. This is about the structure of a writing business. It is not legal or accounting advise, but an awareness of what is possible with a writing business. Basically I tell you how Kris and I are doing many business things, or have done a lot of business methods in the past and why. Again, not legal advice, but I do talk a great deal about corporations and why to use them and how to license to them and take money out of them. So Pop-Up #16: Business Structure is available now on Teachable. It…
The Math Post… Some Additions
Some Really Fun Reactions… Before you read this, you need to have read the blog post called The Math about three posts before this. First…. I am finding it a massive hoot that not one person questioned that I gave the author 43,000 book sales traditionally (in about three months time) in my calculation, but are questioning 500 copies AVERAGE a year indie. This is a prime example that authors really do think that traditional publishers have fairy dust to sprinkle on books and make them sell. The reality here in 2019 on the sales of that traditional book would be in the range of 15,000 copies per book, most…
The Math
Of Indie vs Traditional… You always know when I am going to do math, it will not be pretty. But a number of things happened in the last week that I figured it was time. First off, dealing with that myth of it costing so much to do an indie book. And second today a viral post from a traditional writer who got six figure deals and was whining that no one told her what would really happen (even though I am 100% sure she would have never listened.) So with those two in mind, let’s play a math game. With other important factors involved. Now you can be angry…
Still Four Spots Open
Business Master Class… I have spent a number of hours today getting things organized, seeing what I had missed, that sort of thing and I discovered, much to my surprise, that we still have four spots open. In fact, I was sort of shocked. I am so excited about this coming Business Master Class that starts October 25th that I sort of felt (without checking) that it had filled up. Kris and I spent some time on a conference call a few days ago with Deidre from the Global Licensing Group about what she will be talking about and some of the sessions she will be doing. I got finished…
Forgot To Mention
All Short Stories Are Read for the Challenge… I am finally back up to date to this week. Really fun reading, to be honest. Sadly, numbers of writers have now dropped out and I only have five novels to read for the novel challenge, which I will be doing this next week. So both the Great Challenge for a short story per week and the Great Novel Challenge for a new novel every two months has lots of open spots. Come on folks, keep me reading. I really do enjoy it. Even when I get behind due to other things, it was a blast focusing on reading and getting caught…
Dumbest New Myth In Writing
I Heard This Two Days Ago… And flat couldn’t believe that such silliness was out there, so I went and looked, and yup, it’s a real thing. And sadly, writers of all levels are believing it. And this myth is stopping them cold. Or worse yet, sending them toward traditional publishing. I know if I believed it, I would be stopped. So what is this new myth??? “It takes four to five thousand dollars to publish an indie book.” Total and complete hogwash, and folks if you see this myth somewhere, do a tap-dance on the head of the idiot who is spreading it. This is a very, very dangerous…
Two Days Left
Set Another Stretch Goal! We are almost to our 5th stretch goal, so with two days left, we wanted to set another stretch goal, one that seems a little out of reach, but still possible. So the 6th stretch goal has a Pop-Up Bundle for writers (worth $600) and a nifty anthology for readers. Cattitude. I really hope we hit it because I would love to have everyone get a free copy of this anthology. Cover below. And thanks for all the wonderful support. Help us pass the word for the last two days. Thanks!
Pulphouse Magazine
Only A Few Days Left… Back in 1987, when Kris and I started Pulphouse Publishing, we could not have imagined that in a short thirty-two years we would be running something called a Kickstarter as a form of subscription drive. Back then, subscription drives for magazines consisted of buying mailing lists and sending out a ton of mailers in hopes of getting one or two percent return. And don’t forget those annoying subscription cards inside magazines that dropped out when you opened them. And back then we had to spend money to have the magazine on magazine racks. The first incarnation Pulphouse Fiction Magazine was on news stands. We lost…