• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    More Holiday Stuff

    More Holiday Stuff Here in the States this is a major holiday weekend, runs through Monday. The Day I managed to get to WMG offices where we hold the writer’s lunch back behind the new store. It’s a cool feeling going in through a store to get to a secret writers hideout. Very few of us there. And then I spent the rest of the day and into late at night working on workshop stuff. ————— Online Workshops Still lots of room in all of them. Class #51… June 6th … The Business of Writing Class #52… June 6th … Character Voice/Setting Class #53… June 6th … Author Voice Class #54… June 6th ……

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    A Holiday Weekend

    A Holiday Weekend Here in the States this is a major holiday weekend, runs through Monday. However, only one of our employees took any time away, the rest are all working through the weekend. So it feels normal except there are a lot of people in town. The Day I managed to get a lot of things priced at the new store and work on workshop stuff. But once again too tired to get to the writing. Must still be recovering from the last few months. (grin) ————— Online Workshops Still lots of room in all of them. Class #51… June 6th … The Business of Writing Class #52… June 6th…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    Kris and Her Awards

    Kris and Her Awards Over the years, Kris has won many, many awards and been nominated so many times, I doubt she knows how many. She is the only person ever to win a Hugo Award for both her fiction and her editing work. And one night at the Edgar Award ceremony for mystery, she was nominated for best novel under one name and for best short story under another. But this month Kris won two major awards. That’s right, two! I think that is amazingly cool. To me, an award voted on by readers only, without politics, is the best reward there is. Period. The Anlab Award for Analog SF Magazine and…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night

    Topic of the Night: Restarting Your Writing

    Restarting Your Writing All of us, for one reason or another, stop writing for a time. Sometimes it is health reasons, sometimes it is family reasons, or sometimes it is because we just forget, which happens right about now for a vast number of writers. For me, I stopped about thirty days ago to focus on opening a new collectables store, comic book store, and book store combined. Great fun. And even though I thought about writing along the way since I was teaching and still around numbers of writers who were writing, I really flat didn’t want to write. And I didn’t force myself. And I had no illusion that…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    The Battle of the Restart

    Great bundle with two of my books in it. And a wonderful book by Lawrence Block and a great book by Kris.  Don’t miss it. http:/storybundle.com/writing       The Battle of the Restart Back writing. So easy to say, so difficult to do for almost all of us after a layoff. I am no different. Annoyingly so. More in the Topic of the Night post above. ————- The Day Managed to get to the WMG offices and the new store around 2 p.m., after nine hours of sleep. I think I needed that. Ran a bunch of errands, including my third trip to the sign shop to pick up…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    Up Too Early

          Up Too Early Went to bed at 5:30 a.m. and was back up at 8:30 a.m. Now that is just silly, but we got the new store open. Somebody asked me why I was up so early and I said “It’s not often you open a store.” Pictures soon. ————- The Day At the new store at 9 a.m. and worked there until I went off for a lunch meeting at 2 p.m.  Then back to the store until Kris and I walked to dinner to meet another professional writer. Then home for a nap that felt like it almost killed me after only three hours of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Some Fantastic Writing Books!

    Writing Bundle Folks, there is a new writing bundle that just started with ten writing books. Two are mine. Another by Kris, another by Lawrence Block, another by Gerald Weinberg, another by JoAnna Penn, and so on. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one. I’ve read all but two of these books and trust me, they are worth a lot more than what you would pay in this bundle. Those of you who want to learn, this is the cheapest education you can get from people who know what they are talking about. The Write Stuff 2016 Bundle Here is Kris’s blog about the bundle: The Write Stuff…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    The Voice

    The Voice If you did not watch the finals on The Voice tonight, you missed not only some amazing, stunning music, but some good writing moments. And I’m not talking about the original songs they wrote. More below in the topic of the night. ————- The Day Lots and lots of running around, took the stray cat to the vet, left her for surgery tomorrow. She might not make it through, but it’s the best choice we and two vets think she has in making it. I’ll let you know. Spent a lot of time today fighting glass shelves over three windows into place in the new store. Also a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night,  Writing in Public

    Three New Smith’s Monthly Titles

    Three New Smith’s Monthly Titles Monday, the third issue in one week of Smith’s Monthly will go out. It won’t get me completely caught up yet, but getting closer. Issue #28 went out last Monday to subscribers and Patreon supporters. Issue #29 went out Friday. Issue #30 will go out  today (Monday). The reason for the delay was me, and not on the writing side. So the wonderful folks at WMG convinced me to give up where I was getting delayed slowly over the winter and just let me focus on the new store and then writing. Thanks, Allyson, Judy, and Dayle for making these three issues possible so quickly. Now…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops,  Writing in Public

    Store and Workshop

    Store and Workshop Another full day at WMG offices (part of which will soon be our new store). I worked on one of the new workshops as well as did a bunch of stuff in the store. Got the second temporary sign hung outside, got some final trim work done, did a lot of work on all the die cast cars. And then spent the evening sorting through and getting some non-sports cards ready. (They are art cards mostly. But we have a lot of Trek, Star Wars, X-Files and other cards. We have one area of the store that is nothing but non-sport cards. And dug out some old…