• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Halfway Through

    Halfway Through the Kickstarter Stunning that we are halfway through and doing so well. Two things happened today with the Fiction River subscription Kickstarter campaign. First, Kickstarter, without our asking or anything else, picked the campaign as One They Love. Notice the heart on the widget to the right? A wonderful endorsement by the web site. Thanks! And secondly, we have 100 wonderful people who have supported the subscription drive. Wow, just wow. Thank you, one and all! Just can’t say that enough. Now we are really hoping to get to the third stretch goal because that is a project we all are excited about and would be a wonderful…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Little More Running

    A Little More Running   A very busy day today, as was expected after a long weekend. And from all the people I ran into in the banks and post office, I wasn’t the only one having a busy day. But still managed, even though it was raining a little, to meet Kris at the lower parking garage for the mall and do some running and walking while she ran the entire time. She’s way ahead of me on this running thing. Way, way ahead. And a lot smarter about it as well. I am down 17 pounds from July 1st, but still too heavy to push the running too…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    September Online Workshops Starting

    September Online Workshops Starting And there is still room in all of them including the new Speed workshop. It’s a really good list of workshops. The new mystery workshop, the new expectations workshop, the new speed workshop. Dialog, cliffhangers, pacing, depth, and author voice, plus how to write thrillers. Click the workshop tab above for description and sign-up or go to www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com. Questions about any of the workshops, feel free to write me. Class #21… Sept 6th … Author Voice Class #22… Sept 6th … How to Write Thrillers Class #23… Sept 6th … Speed Class #24… Sept 6th … Writing Mysteries Class #25… Sept 6th … Character Development Class #26… Sept 7th … Depth in Writing Class #27… Sept 7th…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Workshops Start Tomorrow

    Hope the holiday weekend is good for those of you here in the States. Workshops Start Tomorrow   And there is still room in all of them including the new Speed workshop. It’s a really good list of workshops. The new mystery workshop, the new expectations workshop, the new speed workshop. Dialog, cliffhangers, pacing, depth, and author voice, plus how to write thrillers.   Click the workshop tab above for description and sign-up or go to www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com. Questions about any of the workshops, feel free to write me. Class #21… Sept 6th … Author Voice Class #22… Sept 6th … How to Write Thrillers Class #23… Sept 6th … Speed Class #24… Sept 6th … Writing Mysteries Class…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    New Bundle Starting! One Ending!

    New Bundle Starting and One Fantastic Bundle Almost Done Last Day on a Great Bundle!! Just one day left. Click on the image on the left to go directly to the bundle. Don’t miss this one. New Bundle!! There is a fantastic fantasy bundle just starting. It’s called The Epic Fantasy Bundle. Kris has a full novel in it called Heart Readers and it also has novels by Allen Drury, Brandon Sanderson and Tracy Hickman, among others. And it has Fiction River: Unnatural Worlds in it. Kris and I edited this one and it’s a great one. And since we are doing a , this bundle would be a great way to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Video

    Fun Video Kris is doing some really fun videos to show all the varied Fiction River volumes and some of the authors. I will put a few up here over the next few weeks to keep the attention on Fiction River and our subscription drive, which is doing fantastic. Thanks, everyone!! And if you haven’t watched the video on the Kickstarter page, do so to see how Kris and I have aged over the last four years. (grin) Last Days on a Great Bundle!! Just two days left. Click on the image on the left to go directly to the bundle. Don’t miss this one. Less Than One Week September…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night

    Topic of the Night: My Seven Keys of a Challenge

    Topic of the Night: My Seven Keys of A Challenge A number of people have written me and made comments on the blogs about how they like the crazy challenges I come up with. Let me give you, in seven points, my reasoning about any challenge. 1st… I have learned it has to be short term. My memory and attention span is so short that if I try for long-term challenge that can’t be broken down into much shorter challenges, I will stop cold or just forget, which is more likely to happen. 2nd… It has to be something I haven’t done before, or have an element that makes it new.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    A Fun First Day of September

    First Day of September Well, we were stunned yet again today when the new Kickstarter Fiction River subscription drive went zooming past its first stretch goal. In just two days. Thank you, everyone, for supporting our wonderful project. It means a lot to us. And now everyone who gets a subscription through Kickstarter will get a free extra volume as our way of saying thanks. Even those supporters getting a subscription when you sign up for a workshop. And speaking of workshops, since we are having a number sign up for the three workshop package, before the Kickstarter is over, Kris and I will set the online workshop schedule for Jan, February,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    Starting September

    Starting September Well, we were stunned today when the new Kickstarter Fiction River subscription drive hit its base goal in 23 hours. Wow!!!  And Thank You! We love what we do with Fiction River. In the last four years it hasn’t always been easy, but we are so proud of the end product and working with all the fine editors on the volumes. And we are going onward without pause. And doing new stuff. So if you want to get some great original fiction, click on the image to the right and check out the discounts on the Fiction River Kickstarter Subscription Drive. Writing Workshops and Books in Kickstarter New Kickstarter Fiction…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Day Spent On Fun Stuff… New Kris Novel

    New Kris Novel Well, today I had great fun. We finally launched the new Kickstarter Fiction River subscription drive. And I got my 10,000 steps in just fine. Cooked dinner, took a nap, and did the workshop assignments for the week. Then after a break to watch a little television, I got the wonderful pleasure of reading a brand new Kris novel. Now Kris has a fantastic Diving Universe novel coming out this fall called, if I remember right, The Falls. But the one I just read is from Boss’s viewpoint and Boss is diving the Boneyard. Oh, my… It’s wonderful. Flat wonderful. Sorry to tease all of her Diving fans with…