• Challenge,  publishing

    Update on My 70 in 70 Challenge

    Got a Shot at Making It!!! Not kidding. I might very well actually publish 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. Kris and everyone at WMG Publishing is super supportive of this crazy idea, and have been from the start last November. And amazingly I have not forgotten the challenge, sort of just kept at it. At the moment I have 52 books published this year so far with 2.5 months left to go. (I consider major books as any book with my name on the cover. Novel, novella, collection, or anthology where I edited it. I also considered an omnibus a major book but am not…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Ramping Back Up Exercise

    Got So Crazy Busy, I Let It Slide… Also had some blood blisters that I kept making worse (wrong shoes, fixed that problem). So finally today I got back up to 4 miles, and will keep that and ramp up a little more to 5 miles plus a day starting Monday. Then in a few weeks after that ramp up to six miles a day minimum. (Starting a streak.) Also starting Monday cutting back to 1,200 to 1,500 calories, with a lot of protein to start dropping a few of the winter and injury pounds. Like a lot of us, I have gained a few pounds since the marathon in…