• Challenge,  Misc,  News

    An Update On My Injury…

    Still in Physical Therapy… But nearing the end of the process. Most of you know here that around the end of October last year, I was running in a 5K charity run, far too fast for my 73 years (staying with the leaders), tripped on a curb I did not see and went down rolling on concrete. (Rolling to save hitting my head.) Destroyed my right shoulder. First broken bones I had ever had. Surgery four days later to put in Titanium shoulder and upper arm. First surgery I had ever had. Big brace and sitting up in a chair sleeping for over a month, then started PT around the…

  • Challenge

    First PT Tomorrow…

    So Short Blog… Still typing with one hand and hoping tomorrow to get some news on when that can change. And behind a day on a few workshops. Almost caught up. Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts. I’ve had a lot of sports injuries over the years, but this was my first broken bones and first surgery. And now my first PT tomorrow. It’s been an adventure. Night…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    The Challenges of Day Two…

    I’m Learning… I’ve got no energy until I suddenly do. And then it only lasts for a very short burst. So, managed to get one thing recorded last night, hope to work on a couple more tonight. Please bear with me. I will be late on some workshops. And late getting responses back to homework. Also, I am working hard on some really cool stuff that predates this accident. One of which I will announce tomorrow because the WMG staff has helped me get it together. This is something we’ve been talking about for a long time. Some of you will be excited. I am very pleased with how well…

  • Challenge

    Good First Recovery Day…

    Started In On Workshops… …but going to be very slow. So some workshops this week will be a day or two late. Please bear with me. E-mail will take me even longer. No other real updates, other than slow progress. Kris went on a 5K run this morning, and I slept through the whole thing. She did great, and so did I by sleeping. Thanks again, everyone, for all the support.

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    First Full Day…

    Beat Way To Describe It… Ouch! Not taking any opioids, so pain managed by regular stuff, and managed is a little euphemistic to say the least. I am in a big brace that Ron Collins came up, and helped me and Kris figure out how to get me in an out of the brace and a garbage bag over my huge bandage so I could shower. THANK YOU RON!!!!! Excited about how well the new special stretch reward on the Kickstarter is doing. We’re trying to get to 160 backers by Sunday evening. Take a look and please pass the word. Really appreciate that. Thank you, everyone, for all the…

  • Challenge

    Op Tomorrow…

    GLAD TO BE ALIVE… Even with this eye-watering pain every time I move. I managed in the split second at high running speed to try to roll into the fall. (old training) So my right shoulder took the impact, shattering it but not my skull. Without that learned training, no telling. In 72 years, first broken bones and tomorrow first operation. I have been charmed. See you on the other side. (hunt and peck one-handed is slow…)

  • Challenge

    Day Two…

    Dealing With Pain… Smashed shoulder. Seeing the surgeon tomorrow. Remember, if you email me, I will not be able to respond for some time. Thanks for the good wishes.  

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

    The Run Went Well Until It Didn’t

    Best Start So Far… This was in the 5k the day before the Rock and Roll Marathon and Half Marathon. About 30,000 plus were running. Massive to say the least. Even with bad traffic, we got there in time and I stayed with Kris for the start. Then I went out ahead of her as I normally do. And for the first time I was feeling great. Didn’t need to walk at all. Until, that is, just beyond the 1.5 mile mark when I tripped on something and instantly hit the concrete very hard. Managed to fall correctly, so only jarred myself, knocked the wind out of me, and I…