• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    We Missed a Great Game Today…

    Aces vs Liberty… Here in Vegas and we have season tickets, but the game started at noon, which meant me getting up around 9 am and leaving at 10 am. Middle of my night, so I had decided to not go and Kris decided to stay home as well and get the video for the new GHOST OF A CHANCE Kickstarter done. (she did and it is really nifty…) So by the time I made it downstairs, Kris had been watching the Aces’ game for a while and from what she said we had been down, then way up, then way down. I watched the last quarter as we could…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Another Fun Day

    Saw Alan Cumming’s Show Tonight… Amazingly fun. Do not take children to it. He talked about aging, death, body parts, sex, and love, among other things. Great stories and funny as all get out. Plus the music and songs were stunning. Really tough life living here in Vegas. Plus today I got six miles of exercise, kept my calories to 1,100 calories so far. And burned 2,800 calories of energy. Tomorrow my goal is to empty a storage unit of about 40 boxes of books and move them into a different storage unit. Plus five miles exercise and low calories intake. A bit of business… Those in the January in-person…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Just a General Day…

    We All Have Them… Seems like nothing really got done, yet when I look back at the day, a lot actually did get done. I got a lot of email done before Kris and I headed out for a great lunch at a new place we wanted to try. It’s a keeper. Did my first two miles of exercise around the casino the new restaurant was in. Got to stay inside since it is summer heat here. Then I headed to the grocery store and did the shopping, then home and cooked dinner. Then I recorded a week of one of the new workshops. After that I headed to the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Very Different Day

    Wow, was today a different day than normal… Started off out at our south store moving a couple of bookcases for Allyson and also moving an antique beautiful 11 foot long old candy counter into our south store. That took four of us. Then moved the wonderful shelves into Allyson’s place. Then Kris and I headed into the valley to have a nice lunch, see Rogue One, have a nice dinner and pie, then back home by 1 in the morning. In the process, after the movie, I also got from the theater for our north store the standee for Rogue One and another one. Took a ton of work…