• Challenge

    That Was Close!!!

    This Site Was Down!!! Seems we had not paid a bill because an old credit card was on the account and they shut this site down. Yikes!!! I did not notice it was down until 3:30 am. And I had no idea how to get into the hosting service to find out what was wrong. Or honestly what was our hosting service since we had changed it a year ago right before I crashed and burned on the 5K run. I emailed (on an outside chance) Lisa Silverthorne, the writer, who is a night owl like I am to see if she was up. She was and she quickly discovered…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  workshops

    My Blog Streak!!

    Started a Year After My Friend Died… In August of 2011, my best friend, Bill Trojan died of a massive heart attack on the last day of the World Science Fiction Convention. I was in charge of his estate and I spent 9 months getting that under control. (A full book of stories in those statements.) Then I tried to get back to writing. I had been blogging at times on my web site and also before that on the Star Trek writer web site. But I needed a focus and I was also doing a little teaching and was about ready to start up Smith’s Monthly Magazine. So on…

  • Challenge

    Call This A Night Off…

    Not Missed a Day Blogging in 11 or 12 years… Not one day. So even though I want to go spend my arm time (limited still) writing on a story tonight, I still have to post something here. So the last two nights had all sorts of details about a 50% workshop sale. And before that I started a series on branding which I will get back to. Hope you didn’t miss those. So while I go write on a Seeder’s story, this is my “night off” blog to keep the stupid streak alive. And thus the power of a streak.

  • Challenge

    The Problem with a Streak…

    It Becomes Very Powerful… And some days, like tonight, I don’t have the time or energy to do a decent blog on this daily eleven years and counting blog streak. But to maintain the streak, I have to write something. What a pain. Tomorrow I have to be up at 7 am (basically the very middle of my normal night) to go do a charity run. They are fun and Kris and I have a tradition that afterwards, depending on the area of the valley the run is held, we go to one of two diners for breakfast. Tomorrow the run is to the north and west of town, so…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    11 Years Plus…

    Twelve Years Ago Bill Trojan Died… He was a sf and mystery fan, a collector, a hoarder, and a great friend. I spent most of a year taking care of his stuff after he died and settling his estate. 11 years ago on August 1st I started a blog streak, saying something here every night. 11 Years Have Gone By… I have never missed. Power failures, internet failures, computer crashes, being in the hospital, I never missed a blog.  As of today, this is blog 4,030 in a row. I was 60 years old when I started this. In the last 11 years I have also written about 14 million…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    Blog 3,650 In A Row…

    Without a Miss!!! That’s right, I have had a blog up here of one type or another every day for ten straight years, as of today, August 1st. No computer crash (three or four), no power outage (dozens and dozens), no sickness (one night in a hospital), and no moves (3 major moves) caused me to miss a day in ten straight years. That is flat pure luck. And a lot of help from Kris who nightly asks me if I have my blog done. Thank you! During the ten years blogging, I wrote eight or nine non-fiction writing books here as a chapter per blog post, plus started three…

  • Challenge

    Close Call…

    My Blog Streak Almost Got Broken… 40 days from 10 straight years of blogging every day and it almost got broken last night. Luckily, I did that blog and posted it early in the evening, like I am doing this one. Because sometime later in the night, the horrid server that I pay far too much money every year for their (lack of) services, decided without warning to completely update all kinds of things. And the sign on my site said “Out of Service” and they left it at that. In essence, their updates just broke about everything. I was asleep when the fine folks at WMG Publishing discovered this…