Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Launched!!

For Kris’s New Novel TEN LITTLE FEN.

And this campaign is a typical WMG Kickstarter campaign, with lots of great reading, mystery collections and such from Kris, and more.

You can also get half-price workshop and Pop-Up deals and two very special three-week workshops.

— Rule of Three: And How to Use It.

— Making Place a Character

Plus all the fun books and Pop-Ups if we hit some stretch goals.

But most importantly, with every reward you get an electronic copy of Kris’s fantastic new Spade/Paladin novel TEN LITTLE FEN.

Take a look! Just launched for a short 16 day campaign. Click here.


  • Julie

    You seem to have fully funded in the first hour!

    Just backed this myself – the rewards in terms of courses are phenomenal for writers if the stretch goals are hit (as they routinely are in your Kickstarters) and I’m looking forward to reading Kris’s story!

    • dwsmith

      We’re hoping as well. Got a hunch as fast as this started, it might go higher and Kris and I are putting together a couple more Pop-Ups.

  • Emilia Pulliainen

    Pledged for both 3 week courses. I mentioned in an earlier post I’m excited for Rule of three, but I’m also excited for Making Place a Character workshop.

    Over a decade I’ve had dreams of the place where I grew up (now moved a little away), but it’s after a magical apocalypse. A lot of things are strange and different, but also so much is the same. I can recognize the place, it’s like my subconscious bult a world while I was sleeping.

    I’ve started and stopped writing there, because I can’t get the setting to feel right. I think Making Place a Character workhop will help a lot.

    Looking forwards to reading Kris’ story. I’ve read Spade/Paladin stories on her Free Fiction Monday and they’ve always been fun to read.

    Congratulations for funding quickly