Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

Sometimes Just Take a Day Off…

So It Is Christmas Eve…

I have no plans to take any time away from my office, mostly because after this last fall, I am just so far behind, and I want to be ready to get writing solidly into the new year. But even with that, I watched a holiday movie tonight before heading up here again.

I doubt that Kris will take any time off either. She has sent out six updates on her challenge Sprint to 2024 and she is really enjoying the writing.

But as two professional writers, we will spend some holiday time together, including a turkey meal (sort of taking the place of our Thanksgiving meal because it was too close to my surgery.)

However, for those of you not into the full push of being a writer 24/7/365 Days a Year, who have families, it is fine to take time away from the writing to be with them. Without Guilt.

Without Guilt is the key.

The writing will be there when you get back after the holiday break and your family will appreciate you actually mentally showing up to be with them.

So put the deadlines away for a day or so and enjoy the holiday, no matter how you celebrate it.