• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Forgotten Writers

    Amazing How Many There Are… Today Kris and I spent almost the entire day putting books on shelves in our offices and in other areas of our new condo. And we both kept noticing how many writer’s books we had from writers no longer working in fiction. Now, there are a ton of reasons for a writer to vanish. Death, of course, sickness, family, and so on. Most of those you hear about in one form or another at one point or another. Especially if you are a fan of the writer. But so many of the writers had just vanished. This business does that to writers. Talked last week…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Building a New Writing Office

    Interesting Focus… I feel that a writing office has to be comfortable and I like to surround myself with books and other nifty stuff, including a white board. But this is the first time in almost two decades I have built a new writing place. So that is forcing me to stop and think some about this task. Now, I understand, I can write anywhere. Especially in this city. And I most likely will. But I want that anchor point, the place to go back to. I need a place to focus my writing. I can do sessions or entire short stories anywhere, even novels in hotel rooms. But I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Tossed Out A Book…

    Strunk and White… The Elements of Style… Yup, tossed it without hesitation into a garbage can. And I own a bookstore and never toss away books. But that book is so evil to fiction writers, I felt dirty even touching it.  I was cleaning and packing Kris and my nonfiction library to bring some of the books to Vegas last week. There, tucked between two other books and hiding on a lower shelf was a copy of the book of evil. I saw it, grabbed it and without a thought flipped it into a garbage can. Why? Because that book can do more damage to a writer’s voice than pretending…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    June Workshops Starting

    Insider’s Guide Workshops… Both of the new workshops, The Indie Game and Fear are starting tomorrow. Sunday. The first week’s videos will appear in both tomorrow afternoon and the first webinars will be a week from tomorrow for both. We did both workshops originally as the weekend workshops. We are not changing out the videos because other than a mention of a day instead of a week, the teaching is fine in them. And the live webinars will really add to the learning. Sign up on Teachable at www.wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures@teachable.com. ————————- Also starting on Tuesday and Wednesday… June Regular Workshops All twelve June Regular six-week workshops are now available on Teachable…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Slight Extension

    Special Time of Great Forgetting Offer Extended… Just two days… The reason is that I got busy and forgot to warn everyone the offer was ending when it ended this weekend. So we’re going to extend it just two days. Here is the offer: Two Regular Workshops and Two Classic Workshops for $500.00 total. You can keep them as credits until you use them, be we hope you use a few of them in the next few months to fight back the Time of Great Forgetting. You will be happy you did when you hit August and September and are trying to restart. So to be clear. — Two regular…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Long Day…

    And A Short Post, Plus Repeat of Workshop Information. I am headed to Vegas once again, this time with Kris and my books and art in a uHaul Truck. Two great and very strong young guys packed the truck this morning in Lincoln City and I headed toward Idaho to go down through Salt Lake and to Vegas. All freeway that way and easy. Best with a truck of books, shelves, and art. I hope to have another blog on writing tomorrow night because, barring unforeseens, tomorrow is my easy day on this trip. I’m going slow because it’s been seven years since I drove a uHaul.  And, yeah, I’m…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Got Two New Workshops Live

    Well, Not New… New Form… On Teachable, you can find the two new webinar workshops. We moved over two from the Pop-Up workshops into the Insider’s Guide structure. And the reason is that the four webinars for each would be fantastic discussions. They are Insider’s Guide to the Indie Game and The Insider’s Guide to Fighting Fear in Your Writing. Both are June workshops, starting June 3rd when the first week of videos will appear. Webinar for the Indie Game will be Sunday June 10th at 11 a.m. West Coast USA time. Webinar for the Fear workshop will be at 1 p.m. West Coast USA Time. These are the exact…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Got Lost In Time

    Blog Time Got Lost Tonight… Between doing assignments, watching the Voice finals, and packing boxes of books, time just got away from me and now I need to go get some sleep. So here I am again doing a filler post because of the blog streak of doing a blog every day. I think I am over 2,000 straight days now without a miss. I would have to figure it out. And that shows the power of a streak. ——————– So Here, Once Again, Is Workshop Information… Easy to cut and paste. (grin) But two offers have ended as of yesterday. Vegas Workshop Special ended and the Webinars closed off.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Time of Great Forgetting Special Offer

    Yes, We Are Smack In The Middle Of The Time Of Great Forgetting… This time of the year, writers sort of forget about their writing with all the distractions of life, summer, vacations, graduations, and so on. All the wonderful writing goals set early in the year are just sort of pushed aside. This Forgetting time period lasts from late April until late July. Then writers sort of wake up, try to get restarted, and wonder what happened to all the goals of the year. Very disheartening and it happens to many year-after-year. And it is very, very hard to restart at that point. Since we have a bunch of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some Observations and an Idea

    Product Focused Might Be Truly Evil… (grin) Not really kidding that much. The more I think about how being product focused causes so many writing issues, the more I see how it has invaded just about everything in fiction writing the last few years. And I was no exception to that at times in how I phrased my challenges and such. It’s just so darned easy to keep score with numbers of books done, numbers of short stories finished, and so on. But I have trained myself to stay out of the critical voice issues that kind of focus brings up for almost all writers. So coming up as I…