• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Decided To Skip Tonight

    Four Hours of Sleep and a Fun Day… I got all the way through the day, sat down at my writing computer around 2.a.m. and just laughed. Not that I most likely could have done a story. I am sure I could have. But it was time to get sane and get some rest. Had only four hours of sleep last night and have to be up early tomorrow as well and a story was going to stop that because I would write until I finished it. I have often done two stories in one day, so next week, after things have calmed down by a billion miles, I will…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    An Even Dozen

    Stunned Looking Back At This Week… I can say for certain that these twelve short stories would not exist without this challenge. Not a chance on the planet. And so far, Kris has said all of the first eleven work and are good, which surprises writer-me even more. Not supposed to happen that way in my head, which goes to show that even I still fight the old myths about writing at times. But this challenge, with my work schedule this week, has knocked some of those old myths into the bleachers, never to return. The Day Got up around eleven because I had an appointment for a conference call…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Eleven and Going Strong

    I Am Going To Be Doing Packing Soon… I just need to have a day when I am not going from morning until night at work. But had fun today setting up webinar settings and making sure everything would work on my end. I think it’s going to be really cool. We shall see on Sunday. So we have a meeting format set up for Kris and the workshop and we have a webinar set up for the Sunday webinars. I want to thank Josh Frase a ton. He is my managing editor at Pulphouse and our web guy for all our web sites. He is a miracle worker, actually.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Story Ten Done… Ten Days

    Still Going… Today ended up just about as busy as yesterday, but I managed to write only a 1,500 word story instead of a 4,400 word story like yesterday. That is going to help me get to bed a little earlier and get a good night’s sleep. Yay! And Kris was stunned that she actually really liked the long story I wrote yesterday. Goes to show that writing fresh or writing exhausted does not make a difference in the quality of the story. I knew that, learned that a long time ago, but still good to be reminded. The Day Got up around 11:30 a.m. once again after only five…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Writing Can Be Stupid

    Story Nine Done, But What A Pain… Today, without a doubt, might have been the busiest day I have had in a long, long time. And I expected it to be honest. After tomorrow, things calm down amazingly for me and I can actually get to more packing. But today was nonstop from the time I got up until the time I sat down to write. About 13 straight hours. So what do I do? Do I write a simple 2,000 word story and go to bed? Nope, 4,400 words later I have a Thunder Mountain story and it is way late for my new schedule. Now that’s just silly……

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Eight In Eight Days

    Still Going Along Strong… The next few days with all the workshop stuff will be an interesting challenge, then after that things smooth out and I will have time to get to not only more writing, but packing. Not much of that the last few days, other than I have managed to get stuff out of this house every day. That’s something. Onward. The Day Got up around 10:30 a.m. mostly not able to sleep any longer after only five hours. Couldn’t shut off the brain. Then I headed to WMG offices to work on Pulphouse. I did that until the writer’s lunch, which was great fun today. A bunch…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Story Seven and Moving

    One Week, Seven Stories… Pretty happy to have gotten through the first hard area of this challenge. Between story #4 and #7 it feels like I had reached the first third of a novel. You know, everything is shit, what’s the point in going forward place we all hit. Difference in a professional writer and an early writer is professionals power through, early writers give up on the book. Well, I am a professional writer and I got through that part. So now the next few days will be a challenge with just a ton of stuff to do outside of writing. After that, I see smoother sailing I hope.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Nifty Cover

    The Cover for the Book About This Challenge. Allyson did it without me asking her. Thanks, Allyson. I love it. I like being able to visualize a cover of a book I am working on. So far this book is only six chapters of thirty long, and six stories of the thirty. But I’m off to a good start, so fingers crossed I get to use this cover. The Day Got up around 11 a.m. again. Then did a little email, packed some boxes, fed Toughie, the feral cat outside who wanted to be toweled down even though it was a beautiful day. He was a little stressed because the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Something New Tonight

    Surprised Me… I got a decent night’s sleep, did a ton of work until almost 10:30 p.m. at WMG, came home, did some email, took a nap, felt great, ready to write, started the story at midnight and was done by 1 a.m. Go figure. The Day Got up around 11 a.m.. Then did a little email, packed some boxes, fed the feral cat outside who wanted to be toweled down (because it was raining) like Kris used to do to him.  Yes, he is feral, but Kris talked him into letting her do that much if food was there. He usually runs from me, but he has figured out…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Day Four. Exhausted

    Lack of Sleep… I was tired yesterday, but ended up only getting about five-and-a-half hours sleep because I needed to be out at the south stores very early to meet a collector who was selling us a large collection. So today I was really exhausted. But still got a story done anyway. The Day Got up around 8:30 a.m.. Then to the south Pop Culture Store and the North by Northwest Bookstore. When I pulled up the collector had unloaded a dozen large tubs of stuff and was waiting for me to tell him which store to take it to. I finally left there after sorting a bunch of it…