I Sort of Took a Day
Decided To Take It Easy Today… So what is easy for me? Still got my 12,000 steps in, one mile of which was running at the health club. And still read a bunch of challenge stories, which is great fun. Grocery shopped and cooked a couple of meals for me and Kris, watched some television. Otherwise the day just sort of went by and now I am headed to get some sleep early, since this taking time off is so tiring. And yet again I got a filler blog done to keep this blogging streak alive.
Couch Surfing…
Took On A Whole New Meaning Tonight… When that earthquake hit tonight, the second one in two days, it was again a roller, so sitting on the couch felt like sitting on a surfboard in gentle waves. Up and down and up and down and lamps moving back and forth as the couch rolled up and down. To be honest, I felt a little motion sick after a bit. We are on the top floor of our tall building, so it was a little worse because of that, but everyone around town tonight on the news said it felt the same way. We are 130 or so miles from the…
Fun Day and A Bunch of Reading
Fireworks Were Fun As Well… Kris and I started off the day by working some, then we headed out for a really nice lunch at the Wynn. You know you are eating quality when you can cut calamari easily with a fork and it almost melts in your mouth. Oh, my… Unlike where we lived for the last 23 years, Vegas is not a 4th of July Holiday destination. So streets were pretty calm. We got back from lunch and I headed to the gym for my run/walk. Then I went to work after a great dinner recording the first three videos for the Licensing Transition and getting them up.…
Making This Quick
Internet Is Going and Coming… As is this web site for some reason. What, is the entire planet deciding to do upgrades and maintenance on a holiday night? But got to write something to keep my streak of blogs going. Saw the movie Yesterday with Kris. Wonderful all the way. I love Richard Curtis movies. Still dropping weight slowly, increasing walking distances, and writing. Going to be a writing and reading day tomorrow. Now going to send this before the entire online planet shuts down.
We’ve All Been There…
New Computer Day… And it seemed like such a good idea at the time this morning. I must have been short of sleep, because I don’t take drugs. And I don’t drink, at least at that time of the day. I bought the new computer, a big and powerful Mac about three months ago for work on the Make 100 Challenge I am doing. I loaded all the Adobe Suite onto it, loaded fonts, loaded the Microsoft office onto it, and did very little else with it, mostly doing some learning on InDesign and other small stuff. But I always intended to move it into the main position in my…
Holy Smokes… It Is July!
July Workshops Are Starting… I had no idea how it got to be suddenly July. Do we need to send out a search party for June? Wow, that Licensing Expo and all the learning just took June and flashed it past for me. So anyhow, working on reading challenge stories and getting out stretch rewards to the wonderful backers of Kris’s Diving Series. And because I didn’t realize it was July already, I almost forgot to do the assignments for the June workshops tonight and start the July ones. Almost no one signed up in the July workshops, so if interested, lots of room, just like this time every year.…
Licensing Transition
A One Year Journey… Ever wondered how to get your nifty novel series or book with fun characters from a book to licensees who might want to make it into shirts, wine, movies, games, dolls, and who knows what else? That very question, the transition from IP to license is the subject of a one year course we are doing on Teachable. I just posted the last three videos on the Learn Along Licensing. And that one will go away shortly. But now, starting here on July 1st and running until July 1st, 2020 is Licensing Transition. It is not a workshop or a lecture or a pop-up or anything…
Trademark for Fiction Writers…
INTRODUCTION… For years and years, when asked about trademarks by fiction writers, I flat told them to not worry about it. The reason I said that is simple: Fiction writers can’t seem to understand copyright. Trademark is another level of protection for different reasons completely. And far, far, far more complex then copyright. Fiction writers have this wonderful way of being sincere about learning copyright and then never finding the time. They write stories and novels for years and years and never once understand where the money comes from or what they have created. And by doing that, of course, they leave more money than they make on the table,…
Paul McCartney Took My Night
In An Amazing Three Hour Concert… Living in Vegas just sucks, as you might be able to tell. (grin) We saw Lady Gaga’s jazz concert a few weeks ago and it was fantastic and tonight Kris and I headed out to dinner at the Mandalay Bay, then took the tram a mile or so and walked a short distance to where Paul McCartney and his band were playing. Three straight hours, he never stopped and never left the stage. He’s 77, looks fantastic, sings better than ever, and puts on an amazing show. And then for one song Steven Tyler got up on stage with him. Just wow. They don’t…
Still In A Bundle Going Now!
But This Won’t Be Around Long… Sector Justice: A Seeders Universe novel is in this one. It stands completely alone. Basically a Star Trek like sf novel with a focus on cool space adventure, romance and some sex. Go figure. (grin) And it is a little longer than my normal novel these days. Kristine Kathryn Rusch put this bundle together and it’s a great bundle with some great books, stories, and writers. You can get it on Storybundle. LICENSING LEARN ALONG… If interested in jumping into that, better hurry. I’m about to shut it off on the 1st or 2nd. Those who are in will get some more videos as…