I’m Feeling Fine
Just Can’t See…
So I want to thank you all for hoping I get feeling better soon. Your good thoughts mean a great deal.
But honestly, except for a slight cough from the cold I caught at 20Books, I feel great. I did the 5K yesterday and actually ended up with over 7 miles of steps that day. Another four miles plus today.
The issue is I have what is called Optic Neuritis which has no known cause. (I do not have MS.)For some reason my immune system attacked the membrane around the back of my eye, making it swell and stopping most of my vision in my only good eye.
It also has no known treatment (of value). However, for most it clears up in six months. It is getting slightly better. Slowly.
I have great docs and again, I feel fine. I just can’t read without a lot of different forms of help and that is straining my eyes, so I save my computer time for emails and critical things I have to read.
I am sorry I am so behind on stories from the last special workshops. I hope you all have them out published and are not waiting for me. I will slowly start reading them in a week or so.
And Kris will be reading the stories from the Holiday Spectacular classes in a week or so
So again, thank you for the kind wishes, but no need. I’ll report back here over the coming months as things either improve or not, as the case might be.
(And how am I typing this??? I have the page blown up so large, the type is larger than an early reader book for a kid. Even then it is a strain.But the power of a streak, you know.)
Thanks, everyone.
Mary Jo Rabe
Please give yourself enough time to heal!
Eve Morton
Don’t know what materials you’re using to help read/write, but I’ve been a fan of @voice for years to help me get through piles of grading when I didn’t want to stare at a screen and Otter.ai to help me record and transcribe other materials (not as good as Dragon, but it’s the cheapest equivilent I’ve found). @Voice is only for Android I believe right now, but my partner uses something similar on their iphone, so there are options (and can ask for the name if you’d like).
Good luck and feel better!
David Anthony Brown
I had major eye surgery recently, I know how scary and frustrating eye problems are. (I have retinal detachment and had a silicone band put around my left eye.)
Feel better soon!