Challenge,  Fun Stuff

Headed Home Tomorrow


I need to spend a few hours to pack the car tomorrow morning, then head out. It will take me two days to get back to Vegas. And then on Thursday I will be back in my office and answering letters and assignments. But give me some time to get caught up, please. Thanks!

And wow, we went right past the third stretch goal with the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter (information in posts below) and are solidly on the way toward the 4th. Wonderful!! Again, thanks!!

The big warehouse has gone from massive amounts of things to massive numbers of piles of boxes. But most things now have a home and will find that home before I have to return in the middle of July.

Thank you Cameron, Jo, Bob Portwood, Chris York, Steve York, Dan Duval, Allyson, Josh, and the others who stopped by and helped and packed and found homes for stuff, including Steph and Val, our running friends and great writers from Vegas.

And wow is the new WMG Publishing headquarters nice!! I had seen pictures, but I was shocked at how really nice it is. Real offices. Cool!!

Tonight Cameron found a pile of about sixty boxes I had packed when I was moving stuff from my friend Bill’s house after he died. They had been stacked in an area out of the way and never looked at again in nine years.

That’s right. I said nine years.

Amazing stuff in those boxes, like full runs of Mad Magazine, 20 plus boxes of signed author’s proofs from the 1980s and 1990s, and old fanzines and such.

Cameron and  Jo and Dan will all be selling that stuff through their stores and their eBay accounts over time.

I will be bringing with me from Lincoln City in July to the new office in Vegas about 180 bankers boxes of digest magazines, about 100 banker boxes of Kris and my extra copies of our published work, my marble collection with display case and antique architecture desk under it, plus enough shelves to hold all the books.

And a ton of art, original, signed prints, and expensive posters.

And my stuffed guard dog and a stuffed giant monkey who always wears a hat and slouches in a chair.

It will be a large U-Haul.

So two more hours of work tomorrow morning, then hit the road for the drive back.

Don’t forget about the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter, folks. Thanks for passing the word.

Next stop on this magical tour of too much work is Boise. See you and expect lots of pictures when I get back.