Challenge,  Fun Stuff

Having Fun

I Always Tell Writers to Have Fun…

Both with the writing and publishing. But sometimes life just has other ideas and that has been a part of this entire spring and summer this year. Nothing like last fall with the smashed shoulder or the year before with the eye infection. This year just crap.

The kind of overloaded, too much to do, lawyers and business crap that can suck the fun out of anything.

So now I am on a campaign to bring the joy back into my life (and I hope Kris’s life) going forward. I am going to remind myself every day that I have the best job in the world, sitting alone in a room and making stuff up. And even with all the business crap that happened, I still live in a penthouse apartment in downtown Vegas with a 250 degree view of the Strip, the mountains, and downtown.

And I have some great friends and people who we work with. And Kris and I both have our health.

So I am going to enjoy this city and the publishing and writing and just being healthy and alive.

To start that, tonight, on a Friday night, Kris and I headed for the Strip (something locals almost never do unless they work there) to go to Mandalay Bay to watch the Aces women’s basketball team play. Great pizza with friends first, lots of laughter, then a game with a lot of head-shaking at the bad play, but they finally won in the end.

And secured a spot in the playoffs.

So a fun evening, actually a fun day since we also took over our new WMG office today here and got the key. So good stuff and fun.

The crap and lawyers and business stuff will continue, but with a focus back on the fun, it will be a ton easier that’s for sure.



  • Suzan Harden

    It’s just a pothole in the road of life. I do hope things get better for you both. I’ve had some life rolls of my own this year, culminating with getting side-swiped by a teenager on my way from from yoga class three days ago. (No one was hurt tank goodness!) But I’m focusing on getting the current two wips done before I get Kris’s reading list for the January in-person class. So I understand what you mean about focusing on the fun. I’m looking forward to flying to Vegas in January!

  • Kate Pavelle

    I’m on board with more fun in life, Dean! I need to get out of the house more, and if it means learning how to drive with my left foot, so be it. Being disabled in some things doesn’t mean being incompetent, or unable to adapt. (Or, heaven forbid, ask someone for a ride somewhere “nonessential,” like the gym!)
    This feeling of a princess confined to her tower got old quite fast.
    But I can exercise certain options.
    Here is to more joy!

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