Challenge,  Cover Fun

Cover Fun… Sale Extended One Day

Not Sure if Teachable Was Having Troubles on Sunday…

So the August half-off workshop sale is extended until Monday night. Detail in previous posts.

Now for Cover Fun

I spent a few hours today doing covers. Four new short story covers and one new Smith’s Monthly cover. Had a good time with them. They all use my templates so other than finding the art, they were quick and easy.

Thought I show you them just for fun like I do every other month or so.

The four short stories are all original stories done this year.


  • Alexander

    Had no trouble with Teachable yesterday. It must be a personal computer issue if someone’s having problems using Teachable.

    • Nathan Haines

      I traveled over the weekend so I don’t remember exactly when, but Teachable was down in the last week—all videos content was unavailable. A few hours later everything worked fine again.

      Just because you don’t have trouble with a site doesn’t mean it’s up (or down) for everyone. Websites with large files (like videos) use Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) so that everyone around the world gets fast access, and sometimes one region goes down, or sometimes access is intermittent so that you luck out and get in while many others can’t for a few minutes.

      In fact, we can see that Teachable reported a 8-hour long outage on August 24th and 25 because Amazon Web Services was down. That happens from time to time.

      It was very nice of Dean to extend the sale over an outage he couldn’t necessarily confirm. Maybe its good karma. 🙂