Time, Expectations, and Reality…
Three Topics in WRITER’S BLOCK FREEDOM… More I think about how Time, Expectations, and Reality mix, the more I realize that for me, all three are part of my writer’s block problems at the moment. Yes, as anyone who has been watching these blogs and the challenges this year, you know I am dealing with getting back up to my normal writing speed. Not being at speed is one of the hundreds of forms that Writer’s Block takes. Why can’t I just fire back up now that my shoulder is in good shape again? Why can’t I just get back into the writing chair more often? The answer, of course,…
I Posted This On Thursday… Seems a lot of people missed it or saw the posts on Friday or Saturday and asked me questions. So I wanted to post this first post one more time here because Kris and I feel this is a critically important topic and doing it in two 9-week sessions with a webinar every week is the best way. And also be clear that we are skipping December. This starts on October 1st. So here is the first post again. Feel free to write me with questions. Big New Two-Part Class With Webinar!! We are going there. Right into the teeth of Writer’s Block. Kris and…
Writer’s Block Classes Might Be Great Ones!
Getting Some Great Letters and Questions… I hope I am answering the questions all okay. And since the classes start on Tuesday the 1st, in just two weeks from Tuesday, Kris and I talked about the classes at a wonderful lunch today at our favorite diner, Black and Blue Diner. We will do this for a few lunches and then really start organizing everything in a manner than can be taught. And that will help everyone talking the class. It has became clear to both Kris and me that the two classes are going to be major learning and also a lot of fun. They are really going to be…
Increasing Your Fiction Writing Production…
That Should Be the Subtitle… WRITER’S BLOCK FREEDOM: How to Increase Your Fiction Writing Production… I have always felt that using the term “Writer’s Block” was negative. And when Kris and I designed the class we announced on yesterday’s blog, we intend it to be a way to help writer’s increase their fiction writing production. Often different factors (loosely called Writer’s Block) take your writing down to a trickle or to zero. Right now I am fighting a number of factors that have me writing, as Mike Resnick said once to me, at a speed that feels like it is under water. Mostly just not making the time yet to…
Big New Two-Part Class With Webinar!! We are going there. Right into the teeth of Writer’s Block. Kris and I sat down a couple days ago over lunch and started talking about, and writing down, the types of writer’s blocks we have fought through or seen others fight. We defined the term “writer’s block” as something that causes writers to not write as much fiction as they want, or at slower speeds, or without fun, or in worse cases, not at all. (You writing at 400 words per hour, that is a form of writer’s block. Can’t finish stories… writer’s block. Dealing with family issues or job issues and feel…
Special Workshops
Had a Couple Questions… About the two special workshops… And yes they are similar to what we have done before. We know that. The FANTASY THRILLER was a class we did in-person here in Las Vegas, taught by Kris. Very different format. This special FANTASY THRILLER class will be three weeks and taught by me. Should be very different and very few people should have crossed over from that in-person class a few years back. We also did a special workshop called WRITING STEAMPUNK AND FANTASY. That was a few years back on a Fey Kickstarter. This one we wanted to focus on just WRITING STEAMPUNK, without adding in the…
Last Post Had Great Comments…
Read the Comments and Feel Free to Add in… The idea of actually addressing the deep issues with writer’s block for writers certainly has both Kris and I excited. It won’t be easy if we decide to do it, but it will be challenging. And to be honest, I am looking forward to doing the classes because I want to make sure I have cleaned out the lingering issues from the eyes, shoulder, and business stuff. I want to get back up to my old speed sooner rather than later. And weirdly enough, I am dealing with aging issues, not in my body or hands or anywhere, but in my…
Sale on Advanced Classes Ends Today (Monday)
We Announced the 2025 Advanced Classes… 18 Total Advanced Craft Classes now available… Going to put this here again as a reminder that this is the last day in the sale which includes all the Advanced Craft classes and the Lifetime Everything Subscription. See details below on the sale… We did six Advanced Craft Classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. 18 Total when we get to the end of 2025. Wow! The new six craft classes for 2025 are: Advanced Rule of Three Advanced Setting Advanced Cliffhangers Advanced Novel Structure Advanced…
Killing the Two Workshops… The Why…
We Have A Way of Telling Interest… And figuring out the amount of actual commit-time interest in a topic. Here is what we look for. Realize we need at least 8 or 10 doing assignments the first time through for us to do the response videos. And we feel those are important. So here is what we look for to judge interest and number of people who will take the class first time through… First of all, did anyone actually buy the class? (These two no one. Not one.) Second, did someone use credits. (I didn’t see anyone, but one did I discovered this morning. Only one on one class.…
Two New Workshops Are Toast…
Killing the Two New Regular Workshops… Not one person signed up for either one, so clearly not much interest and wrong time of the year. No one even mentioned them. We have learned that is a bad sign. (grin) So BRUSHSTROKE CHARACTERS and FAKING IT regular workshops are not going to happen. At least not at the moment. I liked the idea of both of them, so maybe they will come back at a later time. We shall see. But still have the new class ADVANCED GENRE starting up and that is going to be a blast, and difficult, and a learning process all at the same time. (And for…