End of Summer Workshop Sale
Summer Has Gone… We are still in Covid. I honestly last spring never would have predicted this. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale in May, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some. Sort of. But by July it was clear that most of us were still locked up, wearing masks, and doing our best to move forward in some way or another. So WMG Publishing decided to do another sale the first week of July,…
New Workshop Coming…
And Other Stuff… Last day of August. Been a long summer, that’s for sure. Actually, a long time since March/April and the start of all this. I went for months this summer (except for the scary trip going up North for moving) with my big adventure each week going grocery shopping. Or maybe running for some take-out pizza. I know for a fact I am not alone in that. Being safe and sane through all this is crazy. I sure thought last May we would be through this by now. Nope. Now I am at least getting out of the building each day for exercise. Who knew by now I…
Fun Interview
Robert Jeschonek Interviewed Me… A fun and short discussion with Robert about different things science fiction and 1970s, because he’s doing that SPACE: 1975 Kickstarter Campaign. When we recorded it, it was about 60% funded, but now the campaign has made the funding and first stretch goal and is doing great. I am excited because I get to write a story for it. The interview happened when I was in the worst of the allergies from the smoke and I wore big headphones, so I looked a little more beat-up than normal. (grin) But it was fun. And since I sold my first couple of short stories in 1974, I…
Really Fun Special Workshop
And Only FOUR Days to Get It!!! Robert Jeschonek is doing a really fun Kickstarter campaign where he has a bunch of us writing stories for this 1975 themed science fiction anthology. It is called SPACE: 1975. Check it out! Only four days left. Ends on Tuesday. So Kris and I got talking about how many different things and techniques we had to learn to actually write or something like this in science fiction, and it occurred to us that writing to topic, especially historical topics, in science fiction, had a lot of tricks, techniques, and methods that writers could learn from. Kris and I learned them over hundreds of…
Last 18 Hours…
As I Write This… The Return of Boss Kickstarter campaign ends at 8 pm West Coast Time tonight (Thursday) and looks like we are going to go past the 6th stretch goal. So writers, you get four Pop-Ups as stretch goals, worth $600 total. We already have two of them recorded and will be finishing up the last two and have them all up before the survey goes out in a week or so. Also a lot of great reading as well as stretch rewards, plus everyone who backs this gets the new Diving novel Thieves as well. So make sure you don’t miss it. This turned out really well…
Best Workshop Deal Ever….
In the Return of Boss Kickstarter Campaign… Kris’s wonderful Diving Universe novels and novellas and short stories are all in the subcategory of Science Fiction called Space Opera. So back when Kris finished the new Boss novel and we were talking about what cool things we could do for the campaign for writers, we came up with the idea of teaching a special three-week workshop called How to Write Space Opera. It will only be offered through this special Kickstarter campaign and now only for two more days. Ends Thursday Evening! But since the Diving Books are space opera and learning how to write great space opera is a tough…
Just Hit 5th Stretch Goal!!!
How Cool Is That? I am, of course, talking about the Return of Boss Kickstarter campaign that is going on now. And we have a nifty sixth stretch goal and a seventh waiting in the wings. So I figured that with 5 days left (ends Thursday evening), and since we still have another stretch goal we are aiming for, I should detail out what every backer at the $5 level and above gets at this point in time. To start off, anyone, backer or not, can follow the link in the campaign story and get a free electronic copy of the novella “Diving into the Wreck.” That is the award-winning…
September Workshops Are Up
They Start Very Early This September… On the 1st and 2nd. So they are now all available, including the new workshop COVERS 101. And yes, lifetime subscribers, September Covers 101 is in your subscription and you can take it the first time through or wait until later in the fall or winter. Your choice. (Boy, lifetime workshop subscriptions are an amazing deal.) Here are the workshops in September. Notice Kickstarter Basics Workshop is going to run every other month, so its next time up is in October. I will have the October workshops live in the next day or so as well. Getting ahead and caught up at the same…
New Workshop Starting In September…
Yes, Another One… Lifetime Subscribers to the online workshops have been in heaven lately, with a new workshop just about every month this spring and summer. And now another new one in September. (And I will be putting up on Teachable the September workshops shortly. And the October workshops as well.) We have done a Licensing 101 workshop that is offered every month. And then we added in a Publishing 101 workshop, also now offered every month. So continuing that series, we will start in September a COVERS 101 workshop. That’s right, for everyone too afraid to do their own covers, here is the workshop that will teach you how…
Year of the Cat Study Course
First Three Videos Are Up… … For the first three stories in book #1. And also the third book link is there for those of you in the class to get and read the third book. So starting a little late, but should be through the first two books by the end of August and into Book #3 in September on time and target. I emailed everyone signed up for the class, but so many people have opted out of email, so putting it here as well. Update on Kickstarter Best Practices… Loren and I are working on a pretty extensive checklist and study document to help fiction writers determine…