• Challenge,  workshops

    Last Day of Weekend Sale

    Ends Midnight Monday Night West Coast Time Since everyone here in the States does sales (as I just pointed out yesterday), we decided to see how many writers were paying attention and give those who were a three day sale of any workshop they want to get on Teachable for 50% off. That’s right, any, from the lifetime subscriptions to the June regular workshops, and everything else as well. For example, I thought this surprise sale might get a few writers signing up for the full year of THE DECADE AHEAD or maybe BITE-SIZED COPYRIGHT. First quarters on both are all up, and we are through the 9th week of…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Everyone Is Doing Sales…

    Always Been Aware of That Trend… But I never really, really noticed how massive it was before this weekend when we fired up a sale for workshops. That sort of made me become aware. Wow, just wow. Today alone I got email about three-day-sales from a company I bought socks from, two shoe companies, a t-shirt place, an audio studio, two restaurants, three casinos, two car dealerships, a bakery, a gym, and that was when I stopped paying attention. Kris got in on a couple of the sales, I could use some new running shoes. So I guess they work. But our goal was to just help some folks with…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Paying Attention Sale

    Holiday Here In the States… The holiday here is called Memorial Day which honors those who served in the military and also family members who are no longer with us. And it is a time where people take vacations since it is a three-day weekend, or they spend time with their families in picnics or other activities. Experts also say that today is supposed to be the busiest travel day of the year as well. And for writers, this tends to be the first major weekend of the Time of Great Forgetting. Writers just forget about writing and learning and publishing and often don’t come back to paying attention until…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    June Workshops Now Available…

    Yeah, May is Almost Gone… I have all the June Regular Workshops now ready for sign-ups on Teachable. Using Tags in Your Fiction is the Resurrected Classic Workshop this month. (It is still a Classic Workshop, but for one month you can get feedback from me on it as a regular workshop.) As we move through the more Advanced Craft Workshops, tags are slowly emerging as more important than anyone realizes. They are a powerful tool. Invisible to most writers, but powerful when you know how to use them. I figured it was time to bring it back for a month. Here are the June Regular Workshop classes… (If you…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Tomorrow… Third Part

    TONIGHT… Getting Workshops Live… The day got swallowed by workshop stuff and a couple major naps and some writing so that I didn’t leave enough time to do the post on indie publishing, so I will finish that tomorrow. For now, those of you who got the special workshops from Case Card Kickstarter should have gotten a letter from me with all the links and codes. And all May workshops, including the collection classes, have started up. So with that, I have done my blog for the night and am going for a much longer nap. Might be called a night’s sleep. But got to finish a chapter first.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops One More Time

    One More Reminder… Before I move on to other topics, I just have to remind everyone that the May workshops have all just started and time to get into them. Here is the post I put up a few days ago. —— There are some really great classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops Starting Up!!

    Not a Clue What Happened to April But the May workshops are starting today (Tuesday) and Wednesday. There are some really great classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is to go over the Classic Pacing class first.) COLLECTION CLASSES… (Nine Weeks Long… You write five stories and publish a collection at the end. Any…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    One Day Left On Kickstarter

    WRITER’S OF THE FUTURE First full day here at Writers of the Future. My talk with the writers was standard blunt. Just me., Still can barely see the letters on the small screen of this iPad. So going to be short again. Also still got a Kickstarter going… So here is the information… CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only one day left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to again remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Fours Days Left on Kickstarter

    CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only four days left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop Might be the two best special workshops we have done through a Kickstarter. You can only get them for four more days. Plus we are gaining on the next stretch goal after making the Special Stretch goal by over a day ahead of schedule. Thanks, everyone. Get the workshops and some great reading…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops!

    These All Start In Just Over a Week!! Yes I know, what in the world happened to April? And to make that worse, the May workshops are starting up on the 2nd. A week from Tuesday. Yikes!! But good news is that there are some really nifty classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…