• Challenge,  workshops

    Great Workshops

    Right Now All Kinds of Writing Classes Opening Up! Let me give you a list… Three more Prepare Ahead classes on www.wmgwriterstore.com One per week. Fantasy Regency, Science Fiction Mystery, and Halloween Hearts are the classes and the anthologies left. One per week. Fantasy Novella Class Starts on July 2 on www.wmgwriterstore.com Nine weeks of lessons and assignments and then one month to write a fantasy novella that Kris will read. July Regular Workshops will be available on Wednesday for sign-ups, starting July 2nd. All bundles of classes, including lifetime subscriptions, are for sale at half price on WMG Teachable. Two really Special Workshops on the Ghost of a Chance…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    GHOST OF A CHANCE is Live!!!

    This Is A Fun One… And short one. Only lasting nine days. Ghost of a Chance Kickstarter… I have put the video below, done by Kris… It is great fun!!! And very short. And here are the two special workshops in this one. I am going to have a blast with doing these. — FINDING YOUR READER This is a special three-week workshop on how to find the readers for the books you wrote. In essence, what this entire campaign is all about. This class will talk about branding, covers, interiors, and, of course sub-genres to help you find and market your books to the correct readers. For years I had…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Here We Go Again… New Kickstarter

    After a Couple of Months Away… Tomorrow we launch at noon the GHOST OF A CHANCE Kickstarter Campaign. We are finally rebranding my GHOST OF A CHANCE books into something I can be proud of. Let me tell you, the previous covers sucked… And sold worse. I love these five books and these new covers and rebranding this as Romantasy has got me excited to write more of them. And I am really excited about the two special workshops included with this campaign. — FINDING YOUR READER This is a special three-week workshop on how to find the readers for the books you wrote. In essence, what this entire campaign is…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Great Bundle Sale Still Going!!

    Any Bundle on Teachable (Including The Six New Ones) Any bundle is 50% off on Teachable. And as some suggested, we are adding in new bundles to focus on certain topics We have six now with more coming soon. To get a bundle at half price, simply go to WMG Teachable, find the bundle or bundles you want, and hit purchase. Then put in the code… GREATBUNDLE And hit apply and you will have it for 50% off. And most bundles are really good deals to start with. We are doing this because we are launching the FOCUS BUNDLE series. But first let me list the large bundles, the ones…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Focus Bundle to Learn Characterization…

    Again, By Writer Request… Got off my bundle schedule for another day and did a F0cus Bundle on Characterization and how to write great characters. I am sure having a good time grouping these classes and putting them in an order to be the best to learn. We did so many of these classes over a number of years and not in this order. We just weren’t that smart to them in order. (grin) If you have a lifetime subscription to the Workshops, you have most of this one already. Of course, Everything Subscriptions and Lifetime Workshop subscriptions are half price right now in this bundle sale. See below for…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Focus Bundle to Learn Beyond Simple Depth

    A New Focus Bundle and the Bundle Sale Continues… Classes to take to really learn how to use depth in your stories beyond the basic depth classes. They are all in this new bundle. This is in response to a couple of questions about what to learn after the basic foundational depth classes. I realized we had done a full bundles worth more. So here is… FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN BEYOND SIMPLE DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1…Plotting with Depth 2…Information Flow 3…Pacing 4…Power Words 5…Cliffhangers 6…Creating Tension 7…Emotion Here are the other four FOCUS BUNDLES so far. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Four Focus Bundles Now Available…

    New Science Fiction Focus Bundle Up Today… Here is the list of the four Focus Bundles now available and the classes in them. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN PRODUCTIVITY… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is… 1… Productivity 2… Clean First Draft 3… Writing into the Dark 4… Speed 5… Prolific 6… Pulp Speed 7… Stamina FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN BASIC WRITING BUSINESS The order to take the classes inside the…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    New Focus Bundle

    That Makes Three Now Available But first, ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT to sign up for Kris’s Summer Challenge… A great way to get yourself motivated to write through the summer. That is what Kris is using it for. Check it out and get a letter from her every night about writing. It will be motivating. Okay, here are the three new FOCUS BUNDLES available. See below for the sale details… FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Kris’s Birthday and New Focus Bundle…

    Had a Great Time With Kris on Her Birthday… She will be posting really fun pictures on her Facebook page. Check them out. And a great dinner with friends tonight as well. Wonderful day. I also managed to get another one of the Focus Bundles launched tonight. So now on Teachable there is a Focus Bundle on Learning Depth and one on Learning Productivity. Here is what is in them. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action FOCUS BUNDLE TO…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Focus Bundle to Learn Depth

    Got One Focus Bundle Launched!!! Actually hoped for two per night, but got a late start tonight, so only got the first one done. FOCUS BUNDLE TO LEARN DEPTH… The order to take the classes inside the bundle is 1… Depth 2… Advanced Depth 3… Applied Depth 4… Research 5… Born on Page One 6… Automatic Depth 7… Depth in Action Turn in no homework on any of these and ignore all dates on the classes themselves. Over $1,050 in value at $150 each. Regular cost is $500. Sale price for the Great Bundle sale is $250.00. So even if you already have a few of these, worth the price…