Two Special Workshops In Kickstarter…
They Will Not Ever Be Available Again… So with only a few days left in the Ivory Trees: Diving Universe Kickstarter, don’t miss these. Here is all the information from the campaign about the two special workshops… For the writers who love to write science fiction stories and learn the craft of writing, we are offering some very, very special treats through this Kickstarter campaign. These will only be offered through this campaign and nowhere else, so don’t miss them. — TECHNOBABBLE & COMMUNICATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION This is a special three-week workshop on how to write about how communications work in science fiction space opera. From making up a universal translator like…
In Person Workshop…
Science Fiction/Mystery Workshop… The dates for the last scheduled in-person workshop that Kristine Kathryn Rusch is teaching is January 15th-18th. That is Monday through Thursday morning. (Fly in Sunday, fly out late Thursday or Friday.) The location is Resorts World here in Las Vegas and yes, we will have a group rate that will get you a better price. It is very quiet and very nice with about 40 restaurants on site and another 100 restaurants within a block or so walking distance. And the weather will be great in January. We have three openings. Just three. The fee is $750 for the workshop and you pay for your own…
Down in the Details Classes
I Fell Behind On My Hoped-For Recording Dates… But I will catch up over the next week or so on all three of the Down in the Details classes. I will send a message over the Teachable group on every class when I finish another one. And yes, I know the collections on these sound like fun, but the story you write for each one needs to be out in the mail to major markets first. The collections will never close and if you sell a story to a major magazine, you can write another for me. (I will never know.) Remember, those collections will never close, meaning that if…
September Workshops All Starting Up
All September Workshops Now Starting… Last month we brought back THE MAGIC BAKERY six week workshop. Critical to understanding how this new world and copyright is working for indie writers. And we brought back to regular status PLOTTING WITH DEPTH. It will also might have new videos as we think they are needed. And last month we started a brand new workshop in the depth series called DEPTH IN ACTION. Basically how do you use depth when writing action scenes, how much, how little, and when, to make sure readers know what is happening and stay with your story. Everything is on WMG Teachable. WARNING: You must have taken both…
New Diving Novel Kickstarter…
Launching Tuesday at Noon West Coast Time… IVORY TREES: A Diving Kickstarter Campaign by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is launching on Tuesday, September 5th at noon. (That’s tomorrow for those of you who have lost time over the holiday and end of summer.) Promotions Page is here… IVORY TREES: A Diving Universe Novel is a stunning new novel in the Diving Universe. It is a heist novel at its heart. Only twisted as only Kris can do. And we have some really fun rewards and some great stretch goals and some really cool Diving products. And a couple of special three-week workshops that are really going to be fun. The two…
September Regular Workshops Now Available!!
There Are Now 9 Regular Workshops… Last month we brought back THE MAGIC BAKERY six week workshop. Critical to understanding how this new world and copyright is working for indie writers. And we brought back to regular status PLOTTING WITH DEPTH. It will also might have new videos as we think they are needed. And last month we started a brand new workshop in the depth series called DEPTH IN ACTION. Basically how do you use depth when writing action scenes, how much, how little, and when, to make sure readers know what is happening and stay with your story. Everything is on WMG Teachable. WARNING: You must have taken…
Some Questions About Details Classes…
First Two In Each Series Now Available… In fantasy, the first two Down in the Details classes are 1) Magic Shops and 2) Portals. In mystery, the first two available are 1) Unsolved Crimes and 2) Locked Room. In science fiction, the first two are 1) Invasion stories and 2) Exploration stories. Each class has a prompt for a story to write and send it to me for original anthologies in each genre. But I have gotten questions as to why I tell writers to not send the stories to me first. Yes, I pay 6 cents per word, and yes it will be original anthologies, and yes the writers…
Last Full Day of the Sale…
LAST DAY ON THE SALE!! 50% off All WMG Writing classes and Workshops… Everything. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on WMG Teachable 50% off is: GrandOpen Just hit purchase on anything you want and on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Everything is available, including the lifetime subscriptions and the bundles to the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS classes. BRAND NEW CLASS SERIES… The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a…
Two New Stretch Rewards Posted…
One for Diving Kickstarter and One for Pulphouse… That’s right, two different stretch goals up today. In the Diving Kickstarter the second stretch goal class is posted. It is the second class in the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS science fiction group of classes. It is live on Teachable as well. It is called Writing Science Fiction Invasion Stories. For the backers of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine who want to try to get into the pages with a story, the guidelines for August are posted in an update to backers. Follow the guidelines completely if you are going to send me a story. TWO MORE DAYS ON THE SALE! Remember!!! 50%…
Reminder About Down in the Details Classes
All Three First Classes Are Up… Each week one more class will be filled in all three genres. The second ones in a few days for each one. Thought I would remind you all about them since there is only three more days in the sale to get them at half price. The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a story. Just one story per class per author, but no deadlines at all. If we fill one of the anthologies…