Challenge,  workshops

Watched the Half-Marathon Runners…

…Go Past Our Building…

If felt right not being with them. I respect that distance and will train correctly for it next year. So watching them some was incentive.

It is now past 4 am and I have been at this computer far too long for my arm, so going to just remind you all about the new ART OF THE NVELLA classes on

Here is all that information again:

ART OF THE NOVELLA series is 4 different classes limited to 20 writers each one. 9 weeks of weekly classes with assignments, then four weeks to write a novella in that genre with what you have learned. Three months total per class. Four different genres.

All the videos will be in the WMG Writer Store each week.

Go to WMG Writer Store for more information and to see the start of our new Shopify store.

Watch the introduction videos by Kris about the entire series and also an introduction video about each class.

First class, the ART OF THE SCIENCE FICTION NOVELLA starts the first of April.

But since Kris has won a dozen or more Asimov’s Reader’s Choice Awards for her science fiction novellas, this one will fill up quickly.

Also on the WMG Writer Store is information about the In-Person classes.

And coming soon to the store will be writing books and cool writing merch. That’s going to be fun!

PLEASE NOTE… These first four novella classes are not associated with anything on Teachable, so no subscriptions apply. Sorry.

However, in the near future, we will have some workshops selling and announced in the new store, but living on Teachable, and those will be in all the lifetime subscriptions. Just can’t do it with these Art of the Novella classes because they are limited to 20 writers and take three months each of Kris’s hard work.

So no subscriptions apply on these. Trust me, there will be a lot of new classes and workshops that the Teachable subscriptions will apply in the new store going forward.

And we might even give the lifetime subscribers discounts for Merchandise and books and such in the future. All sorts of fun going forward with the new store.

So don’t miss out on the series THE ART OF THE NOVELLA. Four different genres over a year, take one or take all four if you want to learn how to write novellas in all four genres. Kris does and trust me, you want her to teach you how she does it. And have her read your work as well.

But caution, these will fill up. Make sure you are in the one or ones you want.


  • Emilia

    I really want to take the fantasy novella, but I’m probably broke for a while. Are you going to do it next year as well?

      • Emilia

        Thank you, I hope I get the chance. A classic workshop type with videos and doing the assignments for oneself would teach a lot as well.

        I did the fantasy caper novella add on a while back, and it was my first attempt at a novella. Unfortunately I got a liferoll the same day so I was happy to meet the deadline on my part. Kris’s feedback was invaluable. I’ve continued writing in the setting and characters, which wouldn’t have happened without the novella add on.