Just About Done…
One More Day on the Anthology Workshop… Lots of fun, a ton of great stories, and even more great discussions about all sorts of writing and publishing stuff. So Wednesday I will be caught back up with everything. And maybe even have gotten a full night’s rest. Or at least time for a nap. (grin) And looks like the Anthology Workshop is a go for sure for next year. Email list will start in early summer and writing will start in late November. So not that far away. More details shortly, but you can sign up at any time by writing me directly. Back tomorrow after one more wonderful day…
Visions of the Future
A Storybundle… I grew up reading science fiction way back in the 1950s. And from those early years, I loved it, how it showed me possible futures, places to escape to, wonderful visions, and dark possibilities. Science fiction took me out of a bad childhood and let me escape, not only from my home, but from this planet. And then, when I was in high school and college, Original Star Trek, in its first run, allowed me to escape into a wonderful future of hope and dreams, where the good guys won. To say I loved science fiction would be a gigantic understatement. And for the last six decades, I…
Collaboration Spots
Still Four Spots Open in the Collaboration Class… I told another professional writer about this today, told him I thought I was nuts to try it. His response was, “I think it would be grand fun.” So do I, actually. A four week class on all the different methods of collaboration, then collaborating with 15 writers on a short story sometime over the summer. And remember, if you just want to take the workshop, you can sign up for it and write me that you want just the workshop part, not the collaboration part. No problem at all. But got four spots open for the collaboration part still. Sign up…
24 Hours To Go!!
Gaining on the 4th Stretch Goal!! We have already hit three stretch goals, and if we hit the fourth one, every supporter gets a great novel from Kristine Grayson, plus a Classic Workshop of their choice worth $150.00 So pass the word if you can. And if you are thinking of taking a workshop, grab it now through the Kickstarter for a discount. Also, the year-long class of Kris and I studying all one hundred cat stories we buy for the anthologies in videos will be a writing learning experience you will not want to miss. And you can only get the How to Write a Cat Story workshop through…
Short Story Workshop
Here in Las Vegas… I was stunned when I discovered that there are still three spots open in the Short Story Craft Workshop here in Las Vegas, April 17th through the 21st. The workshop is taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, possibly the best working short story writer in the business. I was surprised there were still spots open for two reasons. First, in this workshop Kris is going to teach the craft of writing short fiction across all areas of fiction. And in our modern world of indie publishing and discoverability, short fiction is critical in every genre. Short fiction can not only can make you some nice money, but…
My Own Getting Ready
Charts, Graphs, Planning… So much to do to get ready for this coming new year. And I am honestly having a blast. For example, tonight I did a 20 week chart to track my steps, my running, my weight loss, calories in, that sort of thing. (Basically a spread sheet.) But I printed it out by the week and every day I write down exactly what I managed the day before. For each week I have a goal for weight, a goal for total steps, a goal for total running miles. Going to build running slowly until May, steps stay the same at 12,000 a day, seven days a week.…
Dare To Be Bad Revisited For 2017
Dare to Be Bad (I initially published this blog back about six years ago. I have updated it a little to fit going into the new year.) Kevin J. Anderson credits me with coming up with the phrase, but it was a catch phrase that Nina Kiriki Hoffman and I used in our early years of our short-story-per-week challenge. I think Nina might have said it first, but it was our chant. And I have repeated it over and over during the last few decades. Both to myself and to other writers. Now in this new world of publishing, it still applies, maybe even more. Back in my early years,…
Star Trek… Fifty Years
Star Trek: Fifty Years Couldn’t let this day go by without a comment or two, since I wrote so many Star Trek books and edited it over the years as well. I was a sophomore in high school in Boise, Idaho, fifty years ago and was home that night to watch that first show that first Thursday night. We had just bought our first color television. And I was hooked. Instantly. And for the next three years I watched every show I could, including during my senior year going home on a Friday night to watch Trek. Yeah, I had that good a social life. (grin) It never once occurred…
Fiction River Subscription Drive: Take Two
The Second Fiction River Subscription Drive That’s right, we’re doing it again. It seems we have a tradition. We started Fiction River on Kickstarter in 2012, did a successful subscription drive in September of 2014, and now two years later here we go again. You can see the Kickstarter drive . Kris and I have been the executive editors of this fantastic project right from the start, and also edited a bunch of volumes. We are in year #4 now and going strong and very proud of every issue. And yes, that is an original Frank Herbert story in Fiction River: Pulse Pounders. You can see full details and information about…
Busy Monday (Normal)
Busy Monday (Normal) Mondays are always nuts. Plain and simple. And today was no different. – THE DAY IN GENERAL I managed to say goodbye to the caged raccoon I had been feeding all weekend to keep alive so it could be hauled away. Then off to walk with another professional writer and talk about a session or two he and I will be doing at the Master Class in October. Great discussion while we got exercise walking in circles around a mall parking lot. Usually we walk around the mall, but it’s crazy tourist season here and the mall if full of herds. Then I went off to the…