New Workshops Now Available for the Sale
There Are A Lot of New Workshops… So figured I would detail out some of them since we just announced the new Half-Price Sale. (See previous post, but the code is IN-BETWEEN.) First off, the regular May and June Six-week Workshops are available. Both months include the new six-week workshop STAGES OF A PUBLISHER. Class #41… May 4th … Covers 101 Class #43… May 4th … Publishing 101 Class #44… May 4th … Writing into the Dark Class #45… May 4th … Writing Sales Copy Class #46… May 5th … Depth in Writing Class #47… May 5th … Writing Short Stories Class #48… May 5th … Killing Critical Voice Class…
New Workshop Sale!!!
The Half-Price Code is… IN-BETWEEN Yes, It Has Been Two More Months of Covid… As I said months ago, I honestly never would have predicted this last spring. Not in a million years. Not many did, and those who did warn us of this, none of us listened. We just couldn’t imagine being locked up for MORE THAN a year. But at least now we have some hope on the horizon with the vaccines going out and so many of us getting them. But we are a long ways out of this, with 600 to 700 dying still every day in just this country. Back when WMG Publishing did what…
Updates On Some Classes
Slowly Seeing The Light… Amazing how the pandemic just ground so much of all of us (and the world) down to a halt. At WMG Publishing last spring and through the summer, we spent all the time making sure we were solid. Some projects were put on hold, others cancelled, until by the time we got to late August, we felt pretty solid as a company and a business. But at that time we still had no idea at all where the world, business, and publishing in general was headed, what with the second wave at that time on the pandemic and the strange political craziness here in the States.…
New Classes Available
Three New Classes Today… More coming over the next four days. NEW SIX WEEK WORKSHOP ADDED IN MAY… This one is called: May STAGES OF A PUBLISHER. Talked about adding it a month or so back, finally got it starting in May. (And yes it has been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription.) This turned out to be an eye-opening workshop. I wouldn’t miss this one. Might make you a ton more money down the road. Maybe not so far down the road, actually. Also we started two new Pop-Up classes as many of you expected. #29 Pop-Up: EPIC FANTASY WORLD BUILDING #30 Pop-Up: CREATING BELIEVABLE EPIC FANTASY NAMES These…
Secrets and Lies Storybundle Has One Day Left!!!
Don’t Miss This One… Ten really amazing books in this one if you like all kinds of mystery. Kris really put an amazing bundle together with some of the top names in mystery fiction. Get all ten books at www.storybundle.com/mystery And trust me, if you start into my novel Cold Hand: A Cold Poker Gang Mystery, hold on for the ride. It might easily be the most twisted of the series. At least so far. Also on Wednesday at 4:30 pm East Coast Time, Mark Leslie and I and maybe others will be doing a live stream and taking questions. I hope there is four or five of us writers…
Some Fun
Secrets and Lies Storybundle Almost Done… Just a little over two days now. So Mark Leslie and a few of us who have books in the bundle are going to have some fun on a Live Stream talking about the books and writing and whatever comes up. The time for the live stream is Wednesday, April 14th at 4:30 pm East Coast Time. (1:30 pm my West Coast Time) The links to watch it live are: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBBuemHsbE Facebook https://www.facebook.com/110374909040102/posts/3851492791594943/ Listening to writers talk can sometimes be a lot of fun and Mark tends to make sure it is. Also, you might want to grab the bundle ahead. You can…
Cover Fun For #49
Five Short Stories in The May Issue… So figured I would do the covers tonight. Started around 11 pm and finished about 1 am. Two hours. And it would have been faster than that but got held up on a couple pieces of art. Anyone who does covers knows that finding the art is the most time consuming part of all this, especially when I have a template like I do, and all the stories this issue fit in the template. I also spent some time last night searching through the big pile of stories I wrote, let Kris read, and then tossed on the pile. A little over fifty…
70 Publishing Challenge
Half Way There… I turned 70 back in the middle of November of 2020 and set up a challenge for myself. Actually a number of challenges. One was to complete a marathon and I did that in late November. I plan on one or two more marathons this coming fall. But I also sat up a publishing challenge for myself. I wanted to publish 70 major books (not counting individual short stories) with my name on the front cover. I did an update back in January when I said I was way behind. Well, I am now caught up. Granted, I only have twenty books published in five months, but…
Secrets and Lies Storybundle
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LOVE MYSTERY… Kris put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it: https://storybundle.com/mystery There are some amazing novels and stories in this bundle and if you love mystery, you don’t want to miss it. I even have one of my Cold Poker Gang novels in this called Dead Hand. It would be a good one to jump into the series with. https://storybundle.com/mystery On another topic, all the surveys went out today on The…
April Workshops Starting Up
Tuesday and Wednesday… Yes, it is that time. The April workshops are starting up. You can find them on WMG Publishing Teachable at https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Hit “See all Courses” and look for the April classes. Also, for those of you taking the special workshops from the Colliding Worlds Kickstarter, the Writing SF Stories and the Vastness of Space three-week special classes, they are starting as well. I sent you a letter on how to find those and get into them back in February. They were only available through the Kickstarter campaign. The six-week classes open to everyone in April are: Class #31… Apr 6th … Covers 101 Class #32… Apr 6th…