More On Challenges For 2022
A Goal vs A Challenge… Right about now, here on the 6th of December, it is a great time to start looking at the year ahead. For many writers, setting a challenge is not a good idea. But in any business or art, setting a goal can really help. So tonight I thought I would talk about the difference between a goal and a challenge. I believe both are good. And by setting a challenge, you are also setting a goal. But often goals are not challenges. Last night I listed four things that I thought were important when deciding on a challenge. They are: 1… It actually has to…
Figuring Out a Challenge
I Realized A Few Important Things About a Challenge… You have to have the following… 1… It actually has to be a challenge. Something you haven’t done before. 2… You have to remember what the challenge is on bad days six months after you start and why you are doing it. 3… The results of the challenge need to be something that can be used and advance some part of your writing or publishing world. 4… If a Writing Challenge, it has to follow Heinlein’s Rules. Okay, those all seem simple, right? And for most writers and most levels of challenges, they are simple. Until you get to a level…
2 Days Left on the Workshop Holiday Sale…
No Pop-Up Curriculum… Going to have to be later in the month. I really want to get those 54 different topics in order here at the end of the year. I thought that using this sale as an excuse to remember to do it. (grin) But nope. Just too many things swallowed the last few days. But shortly because I have about eight more Pop-ups to load. Some will be attached to the Master Business Class. So I will get it done. As far as the sale goes, remember the code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the…
3 Days Left in the Holiday Sale!!
Did Not Yet Get to the Pop-Up Curriculum… But I hope to tomorrow. I really want to get those 54 different topics in order here at the end of the year. So using this sale as an excuse to remember to do it. (grin) Remember, the code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the HolidaySale (code is all one word) because it started on American Thanksgiving, went over Black Friday, then through Small Business Saturday, and yesterday went past Cyber Monday to end on Thursday, December 2nd. 3 days left. This is all on Teachable. And yes, you…
4 Days Left of Holiday Sale!
Today Is Cyber Monday…. An online sale on online learning is about as cyber as it gets. (grin) The code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the HolidaySale (code is all one word) because it started on American Thanksgiving, went over Black Friday, then through Small Business Saturday, and today on Cyber Monday to end on Thursday, December 2nd. 4 days left. This is all on Teachable. And yes, you can give workshops as gifts. Just write me directly and I will make sure it happens. And you can get credit for future workshops as well in the…
Class Curriculum Part Two…
Since HolidaySale Is Going On… Figured I would continue updating the curriculum of the courses. I still have to update the Pop-Up classes, but will do that tomorrow. The HolidaySale is half price on anything on Teachable. Classes, workshops, pop-ups, challenges, subscriptions. Just hit purchase on anything you want and put in HolidaySale code on the next page and hit “apply” to get the course at half price. So here are some of the classes with different ways to sort them. Also the new series of collection classes are below as well. ATTITUDE FOCUSED COURSES If you are having trouble with your attitude about writing, getting to the computer, and so…
Holiday Sale!!!
Starts American Thanksgiving (Thursday Morning) The code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the HolidaySale (code is all one word) because it is starting on Thanksgiving, going over Black Friday, then through Small Business Saturday, and through Cyber Monday to end on Thursday, December 2nd. Just one week with a major US holiday and three major shopping days in that week. This is on Teachable. And yes, you can give workshops as gifts. Just write me directly and I will make sure it happens. And you can get credit for future workshops as well. All of the December…
Pulp Speed Brought Forward Again
I Figured I Would Bring The Original Pulp Speed Post Forward Again… (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths and critical voice under control to even attempt Pulp Speed One. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of…
The Wet Blanket Reality– Chapter Three
Chapter Three…You Get An Agent This book is a travelogue through the steps it takes in 2022 to become a traditionally published fiction writer. So please read the Introduction and First Chapter and Second Chapter before this one. You do that, this chapter will make more sense, as much as this chapter will ever make sense to a sane, thinking person. (Writers are neither sane or thinking at this point in this process.) So after years of work, you declare your novel masterpiece finished and have a party. Then you spend a ton of time and effort sending out query letters to agents. (Your book never leaves the house, just…
What Next?
Almost Done with 70@70 That’s the title that WMG Publishing has been calling my challenge of publishing 70 major books in my 70th year on the planet. 70@70 I kind of like it. And actually I am done with my part of the challenge, now just waiting for WMG to send the last four books out wide on Monday or Tuesday next week. Four final collections. I did the covers, all the introductions, table of contents, and so on. They were already proofed except for my introduction. So all ready to be put in Vellum and launched, which will happen on Monday or Tuesday to hit 70 in the year.…