• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    Includes All Books, Merchandise, and Workshops! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine has a brand new Shopify store, and to celebrate, we are having a Grand Opening Sale of everything in that store, in our large bookstore, and all WMG Workshops. Go to www.pulphousemagazine.com and take a look. All the sale information is there at the top of the page. This new store is one of the many things we are excited about with Pulphouse. Fiction Magazine with our new monthly schedule. And wow do we have some fun new writing classes we are launching into this sale so you can get them half price. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two Mentor Spots Open

    Been a Year Since I Opened This To Three Writers… Since a number of the writers I was helping in this program from years ago are not writing me as often, I decided to open this back up again for two spots. I really enjoy working closely with writers over the years, but I don’t push myself on them. I am just there to help, answer questions, and point in a certain direction. Often my weekly responses are fairly short if things are going well for the writer. Sometimes I give my kind of advice. (grin) I want each writer to be the writer they want to be. And I…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  On Writing,  publishing

    Welcome Back!

    Time of Great Forgetting Almost Over… So many writers (very few full professionals, but a ton of early professionals) just check out of writing and publishing starting in April and sort of return to writing and publishing in middle-to-late July. Now it has logical reasons. Spring and good weather, family vacations, a ton of other things around the house that just need to be done right now. So all the great intentions of writers in January are just sort of forgotten in April. Also, for early stage writers, the writing and publishing have not hit a level of importance yet to either them, or their family, to push them through.…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    How Writers Fail…

    A New Writing Book By Kris… Just released…  How Writers Fail… Analysis and Solutions by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. This a blunt, straight-forward book that might save your career or at least help you head off some really, really ugly bumps in the road. It is focused at indie writers. (If you are headed toward traditional publishing, you have already failed.) Here is the sales copy… “Everyone fails at times. Writers fail in predictable ways—ways both foreseeable and preventable. In this WMG Writer’s Guide, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Kristine Kathryn Rusch addresses the pitfalls writers face and offers solutions to help them overcome those obstacles. Because the best writers push…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Magic Bakery Plus…

    I Got To Watch a Magic Bakery In Action… On the 4th, Kris and I had lunch downtown and stopped by PinkBox Doughnuts to get her a snack. (I am losing weight, so no snack for me at this point.) We were standing in line (never seen the place without a line) and I was staring at the amazing thirty-foot long display counter of four shelves high of a variety of doughnuts of all colors and shapes. Plus at least thirty-foot long glass cabinets full of shelves and trays of doughnuts behind the counter. And besides all the doughnuts, everywhere you looked there was a ton of licensed products, from…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    I Feel Bad For New Writers… Part 11

    Expectations… I say this little introduction to each new parts… New fiction writers coming in now are really torn between all the myths and hype of traditional publishing and all the myths and hype of indie publishing. But as I said back in the first post of this series, the paperback era of big publishing is pretty much done, and the distribution of fiction is changing over to the electronic era of indie publishing, with indie writers in charge. These kinds of major shifts in fiction distribution to the readers has happened four major times through the history of this country, with each new era lasting about 50 years and…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    So You Wrote a Book…

    You Have Options… How do you get that book to readers?  There are an amazingly large number of ways. Let me list the five major ways and then explain them a little. Keep in mind that books could and have been written about doing all five. 1… Traditional Publishing 2… Retail Sales Worldwide 3… Crowdfunding 4… Direct Sales On Websites 5… Personal events Traditional Publishing… In 2023, no writer with an ounce of brains who lives in the real world instead of myth-world, would spend the years and years to sign a small deal with a traditional publisher only to lose all copyright and control of the book. This way…

  • Challenge,  Guest Blog,  publishing

    Guest Post By Kris…

    This is from Kris’s regular business blog series, but I thought it important enough that I asked her if I could reprint it here. Important mind set change for indie writers. Thanks, Kris… ———- Business Musings: Stars Kristine Kathryn Rusch Me and the Google spent what I almost termed a “dispiriting” hour as I searched for the 21st century’s superstars in a variety of fields. I say “almost termed” because, when I think of it, “dispiriting” is the wrong word. Adult me, who loves this modern world of indie publishing and going directly to the reader, doesn’t mind the lack of superstars or “big names” as most people call them.…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Quick Note On Author Tag Lines…

    This Is 2023… As I have been saying in my series of posts about decisions young authors have to make, we are in a transition time between Traditional paperback distribution and Indie electronic distribution. And the two different ways of doing business. One of the major changes is the author tag line. You know, that line you put above your name on a cover that no one can read, but it needs to be there for cover design. For a decade, I have put above my name USA Today Bestselling Writer. Not one reader of my books knows what that really means, and that list is gone now. I am…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Oh, my…

    All I Can Say… I was sent a couple days ago a court case about one author taking the work of another author. This has been a public case and I am going to make no comments on the case itself or let any comments through about the case. I do not know the facts beyond what I have read in the suit. Of course, there is an agent in the middle of the entire mess. And also named in the action. No comment there other than I stand by my solid belief that all agents are crooks and steal writer’s money. So why am I writing this… why am…