How to Write Fiction Sales Copy: Introduction and Chapter One
HOW TO WRITE FICTION SALES COPY INTRODUCTION In July of 2015, I managed to write one short story a day. Actually had one extra, so ended up with 32 stories. I did a cover for all of those stories as well, usually the next day. My goal seemed simple on the surface: — Write 31 or 32 short stories. — Put them all in a book titled Stories from July. — Later publish all of them as stand-alone stories in electronic and paper. — Also put each story in my monthly magazine (Smith’s Monthly) one or two a month, mixed with other stories and new novels. — Include the stories in theme…
Stages of a Fiction Writer: Last Summary
(Last very short summary chapter for this book. Patreon supporters, you will get the full book sent to you when it is all done. Please note: This is advanced reader copy. This has not been proofed. That will be taken care of when I turn in the final book to WMG Publishing.) Links to first six chapters at the bottom of this short summary. STAGES OF A FICTION WRITER Summary As I have said a number of times, no writer skips over any of these four stages of a fiction writer. We all go through them starting at the beginning if we ever get to stage four, the top level of…
New Lecture Available: Short Stories into Novels
Lecture #28 Short Stories to Novels The Basics of When to Turn a Short Story into a Novel. 9 Videos. This lecture covers the various ways that you can turn a short story into a novel. And what you need to do so. And when you should even consider doing so. This workshop covers the basics of the idea of turning a short story into a novel. Price $50.00. Sometimes short stories can start great novels. Sometimes a short story should remain just a short story and should never be expanded. This lecture will help you understand what you need to learn to figure out when and how to convert one form into a larger…
The New World of Publishing: The Real Price of Traditional Publishing
Authors Pay a High Price for Traditional Publishing. This new world of publishing now allows authors to make many publishing choices after they finish a book. That’s a great thing compared to just ten years ago. Now an author can go the old traditional route, they can go full indie and do everything. Or they can publish somewhere in the middle, taking responsibility for all the work, but hiring out parts, or all of the tasks needed to be done. A thousand choices in the process now. And that’s a very, very good thing for authors in the abstract. But all choices have costs. This post is about the costs of…
The New World of Publishing: The Impossible is Now Possible
The impossible in publishing really is possible these days. This new world of publishing has allowed a ton of new things to be possible that would have flat been impossible in traditional publishing. And one of the best illustrations of just one of these now possible things just finished yesterday. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, my wife, published the last six books of an eight book science fiction saga, one per month starting in January and ending in June. Now, these are not short books. They range from 60,000 words up to almost 100,000 words long. And they all got reviewed in one place or another and all were up for pre-orders.…
Stages of a Fiction Writer: Chapter Six
(Almost done with this short book. One more chapter after this. Patreon supporters, you will get the full book sent to you when it is all done. Please note: This is advanced reader copy. This has not been proofed. That will be taken care of when I turn in the final book to WMG Publishing.) STAGES OF A FICTION WRITER Chapter Six Stage four in writing is hard, at best, to describe because for most writers, it is a level of craft that is impossible to see. So how do you move through stage three and get to stage four writing? Mostly, the answer boils down to one simple thing:…
Stages of a Fiction Writer: Chapter Five
(Every day or so, sometimes longer, I will put another chapter here of this book. Patreon supporters, you will get the full book sent to you when it is all done. Please note: This is advanced reader copy. This has not been proofed. That will be taken care of when I turn in the final book to WMG Publishing.) STAGES OF A FICTION WRITER Chapter Five Starting into stage four, the top stage. I got a question after the last chapter when I put that chapter on my blog. “How many writers are in stage four?” Think of stage four as a decent-sized town. Selling stage three writers could fill…
The Top Five Dumbest Business Practices in Publishing
The Top Five Dumbest Business Practices in Publishing From the real world perspective, publishing is really, really, really known for its head-shakingly stupid business practices. But inside of publishing, these practices have become so common and set in “the way things are done” as to be defended by otherwise sane business people. So I figured I would honor Dave Letterman’s departure with a quick top five list. I’ll give the real world equivalent of the publishing practice, then the actual publishing practice, working down to the most stupid publishing practice of them all. There are many others. I try to deal with a lot of them in the Killing the…
Stages of a Fiction Writer: Chapter Four
(Every day or so I will put another chapter here of this book. Patreon supporters, you will get the full book sent to you when it is all done. Please note: This is advanced reader copy. This has not been proofed. That will be taken care of when I turn in the final book to WMG Publishing.) STAGES OF A FICTION WRITER Chapter Four Almost all writers reading this will be in stage three. If you see yourself in stage one, all focused on the writing and polishing of words, you can move quickly out of that once you understand the location you are stuck in. And then start making…
Stages of a Fiction Writer: Chapter Three
(Every day or so I will put another chapter here of this book. Patreon supporters, you will get the full book sent to you when it is all done. Please note: This is advanced reader copy. This has not been proofed. That will be taken care of when I turn in the final book to WMG Publishing.) STAGES OF A FICTION WRITER Chapter Three As we move into stage three, it’s time I bring in the poker analogy I promised earlier on in the book. As I said, I have always had cards in my life. I paid most of my way through college with cards, and also played professional…