The Last Sale…
Ever…. And we will not change our minds. This is it. This week. Why the about face on sales??? We said in June we would do a regular sale the last full week of each month up until the end of the year. Well, total failure. What is success to us? Having writers take the workshops or classes to keep learning. What the regular sales did from June until now basically caused the writers who are taking workshops and learning to be cut more than in half. So the sales don’t help more writers take classes, they instead cut the number of people taking classes and learning. And that is…
5 Does and 5 Don’ts For Fiction Writers…
Some Don’ts… 1… Writers, do not say you are going to go trademark your idea or your most recent book. It does not work that way. 2… Writers, do not say you are going to go copyright your most recent story or novel or idea. It does not work that way. 3… Writers, do not think everyone is going to steal your new idea. It does not work that way. (And chances are your wonderful new idea has been done a million times before anyway. However, it will be original if you write it in your voice and don’t rewrite it into pablum. (Definition of pablum is bland or insipid…
Kris and I Talk All the Time About Branding… Most writers only limit that word “branding” to how their covers look similar in series. How their name in a certain font looks from book to book, and so on. That is all important, but honestly just a tiny touch at branding. When you are taking something out for license, like to a gaming company, or toy company, or anything like that, you detail out your branding on your project. Fonts, type of art, colors and a ton of details are all important to how a product overall looks when transferred from text to media of some sort. Clothing and styles…
Great Ideas For Advanced Classes
Thank you, Everyone!! For the ideas here in the comments and to me directly through email. Fun Stuff. So let me break down some of the suggestions and combine them into advanced classes. Structure for this Advanced Series would be nine weeks long, with assignments along the way. Price would be $500 (same as the 9-week long collection classes). If we decide to do this, we would offer 6 of them in a year. You can buy all six at some point. They are not part of the regular workshops and would not be available for at least a year on any sales, just as the Business Master Class was…
I Never Look Back…
But At Times I Am Forced To By Circumstances… I write stories, one draft, cycling, and finished. For fiction, I have a person go over it to find typos. Kris reads it to help with the typos. I never look at a story again. Now I have published well over 400 short stories (a number of them from my early years and because they were horror, they no longer fit what I am doing, so I have never republished them.) But most I have put through Smith’s Monthly and then indie published. A bunch have been in anthologies I have never republished in Smith’s Monthly as well. Someday I will.…
Second Part of My New Challenge…
I Should Have Set This Up From January 1st… I started off the year with the challenge to write a short story per day for the entire year. I did fine for three months until the very issue I had been worried about before I started finally caught up with me. I wrote some stories through the summer, but back at my normal pace of about 50 new short stories per year. I was going to do 100 stories in the last 100 days, but the day before I was to start that, Kris and I were talking and I said, “I can’t figure out why my critical voice is…
Last Two Days of September Workshop Sale!!
This Ends Sunday Evening… So just over 24 hours left in this one. All October Regular workshops are available. And the new Study Along classes. And three new classic workshops that used to be regular workshops. So if interested, go to WMG Teachable. Find the class you are interested in, hit purchase and then on the next page put in the code: SeptemberRegularSale50 Hit apply and you should have the class at 50% off. Here are the October Regular Workshops. Six weeks long and I reply to all assignments. Class #31… Oct 4th … Covers 101 Class #32… Oct 4th … Heinlein’s Rules Class #33… Oct 4th … Writing into…
Writers of the Future Contest…
You Might Be Eligible And Not Even Know It!! And if you are eligible, you should enter every quarter without fail. Okay, I have been around the Writers of the Future contest now for 39 years. I was the first person across the stage to get my award and my first story has been in print in Volume #1 for this entire time. At Pocket Books, we patterned the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds contest on Writers of the Future and I edited that for ten years. I became a judge for Writers of the Future after we stopped the Star Trek contest. Now, I am responsible for putting the…
Regular Monthly Workshop Sale
Last Full Week of Every Month… Can’t believe it is the last full week of the September already. Wow. The sale code to get everything 50% off on WMG Teachable is SeptemberRegularSale50 Just hit purchase on anything you want and on the next page put in the code and hit apply and your choice will be 50% off. NEW STUFF BEING ADDED… October regular workshops are being added and will all be up in a day or so. I will do a list here, but for the next few days you can still get the active September workshops and I’ll work with you to get caught up on the first…
Restart Motivation
October 1st Just Two Weeks Away! So I got two weeks to figure out some new challenges, new motivation, maybe pick up the short story challenge I fell off of earlier in the year. October 1st is a great time to do that. A challenge I am thinking of is 100 short stories in 100 days. That will bring my total short stories up over 200 for the year. Not 365 as I had set out to do, but still not bad. (grin) Today I was working on getting the new 2023 Collection Classes posted and live for the coming sale. All six from the first year will be available…