• Challenge,  On Writing

    Beautiful Trophy Challenge Is Back!!!

    Last Day to Sign Up for Kris Sprint Challenge. Starts tomorrow. The challenge is to write as many consumable words from Monday, December 18th through December 31st 2023 as Kris writes. What are “consumable” words? — Any fiction of any type (no requirement to publish during the challenge time) Rewriting does not count. Only the final publishable words. — Any nonfiction that others will consume such as blogs, introductions to collections things like that. You can NOT count emails and comments on Facebook and other social media or comments on blogs. They do NOT count. No genre limitations. Rules 1… Every day Kris will send a letter through the class…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Two Days To Get Into the Challenge with Kris!

    A Two-Week Writing Challenge With Kris! Just two days left to join. Starts Monday morning sign-ups cut off at that point. The challenge is to write as many consumable words from Monday, December 18th through December 31st 2023 as Kris writes. What are “consumable” words? — Any fiction of any type (no requirement to publish during the challenge time) — Any nonfiction that others will consume such as blogs, introductions to collections things like that. You can NOT count emails and comments on Facebook and other social media or comments on blogs. They do NOT count. No genre limitations. Rules 1… Every day Kris will send a letter through the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    To Be Clear On A Couple of Things…

    I Got Questions From Writers… In the Sprint Writing challenge with Kris, yes she will report in to those in the challenge every day about what her writing day was like and how much she got done. SHE NEVER DOES THIS NORMALLY!! I live with her and I don’t have a clue what happens in that office when she is writing. So this is stunning and should be a real learning experience for all of us. If you are not in the challenge, there is no way to get these reports or even how many words she wrote. If you are in the challenge, you only report in once to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Sprint to the New Year With Kris!

    A Two-Week Writing Challenge With Kris! The challenge is to write as many consumable words from Monday, December 18th through December 31st 2023 as Kris writes. What are “consumable” words? — Any fiction of any type (no requirement to publish during the challenge time) — Any nonfiction that others will consume such as blogs, introductions to collections things like that. You can NOT count emails and comments on Facebook and other social media or comments on blogs. They do NOT count. No genre limitations. Rules 1… Every day Kris will send a letter through the class email system to just those in the challenge talking about the words she wrote…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Getting Back To Writing

    Not There Yet… Got to wait until I can type with two hands. But I have noticed lately that I have been going through a weird form of craving, or withdrawal, or something. Three times in the last few days I have sat at my writing computer and tested if I could write yet. I knew from working on this business computer it would not work yet, but I still found myself sitting there. And I am talking about getting back to writing, which I never do normally. Kris calls me a stealth writer in normal times. So getting impatient, not with healing the injury, but with getting back to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    We Know This Is Sort Of Silly…

    Like Having Access To A Library… For years, Kris and I have been wanting to offer our writing fans a way to get everything we have ever published through WMG Publishing. That’s right, almost 50 years each of writing. But it was never possible. Until now!! Every eBook on the WMGBooks.com online store shelves. EVERY eBook. Now and published in the future. Over a thousand titles so far with hundreds still left to be added in the next few months. Not counting all the new writing and projects coming up in the future. This is a LIFETIME subscription. That means… EVERY Kristine Kathryn Rusch title. And all of her pen…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    All Workshops Available for Sale!!! Workshop Sale First! Yup… Black Friday and Cyber Monday and Small Business Tuesday are all coming up  so beside sales on the Shopify stores, we are doing a workshop sale. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And below are some really cool new workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the class or workshop you want to take, then on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will get the class or workshop or whatever for 50% off. Code is: BlackFriday50 Any problems or questions, feel free to write me. New Classes!! Indie Writer’s Guide to Shopify…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Workshop Sale!

    All Workshops Available for Sale!!! The Holiday Spectacular Store is having a GRAND OPENING SALE starting around noon later today (Friday). Check it out when it opens. One amazingly cool store, with lots of deals and discounts on products and everything. (It will be at wmgholidayspectacular.com) I will talk more about the store  after everyone can see it. But right now, along with the Grand Opening Sale of the Holiday Spectacular Store, we are doing a workshop sale. Everything on WMGTeachable is 50% off. Everything. And below are some really cool new workshops, plus the list of the November Regular Workshops. To get 50% off, simply hit purchase on the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Look Back… Twice

    I Put Part of This Up On a Blog in 2013… Ten years ago. But tonight I was also thinking about the decade ahead class that is in its last ten weeks (you can sign up for it and go through it at any time, just ten more weeks of new stuff but all weekly videos are all still there.) Ten years ago I put this blog up about a time in my life fifty years ago. I am a lot of decades ahead from 1973, thats for sure… There is also a brand new five-story driving range opening up within a mile walk of our place, so I am…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    Nora Roberts Had 204 Books Stolen…

    By ChatGPT… Without permission, without payment, just 204 novels stolen whole cloth and used to train the AI stuff so lazy-ass writers can use her work to pretend to make their own crap better. Nora just discovered this and is not happy, to say the least. I stopped counting when I got to 28 of my novels stolen without permission or payment. What is bringing this up tonight is that tomorrow I will be pushing a bunch of Kickstarters by writers that are going now. I will put them on the Kickstarter free class and send out a letter to all of the writer’s signed up in that class, all…