Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

She’s Doing It Again…

Kris Wants to Do Another Challenge for the Summer!!

Not kidding. She told me that and for the next three days I asked her if she sure until she got mad at me and said she was  SURE!!

It seemed the January challenge and the May challenge really kept her focused on writing first every day, even with all the business stuff she has been dealing with. And it was a lot, let me tell you.

Her challenges work like this…

She writes a letter to me every day telling me what went on in and around her writing and how many words she got done. I take that letter and post it to everyone signed up on the challenge on Teachable.

This challenge she wants to go from June 5th (you have until the 10th to sign up) until August 14th. Right through the heart of the summer and over the Anthology Workshop.

The challenge is that if you buy in ($300… can’t use credit to get credit) and don’t beat her total, you get your $300 in credit for anything on Teachable. If you buy in and beat her total, you get double the credit. So a win/win/win situation.

For me, I like reading the letters every night. Amazing insight into the battles another writer fights to get through in the writing. That is the value of this challenge, especially over an entire summer.

So the SUMMER WRITING CHALLENGE WITH KRIS is now up and ready to sign up. She will start on the 5th, the day after her birthday and it will go until August 14th.

Lifetime Everything subscribers, you don’t get any credit for challenging Kris, but you can do it for the learning and the push. Write me and I will send you a code to get in.

And those of you who bought in for the May challenge, send me your totals. And if you were a Lifetime Everything challenger, tell me that as well.


    • dwsmith

      Totally depends on the world and business and such. She is in the process of cleaning up a massive mess left by a former employee. That is why she wants to do this again, to keep her focused on the writing through all the crap.

      She had some zero days, I think she had one 3,000 plus day. Most days were around the 2,100 level.