The Art of the Novella Series
First Class Starts in One Week… You can see the information for each 3-month class on WMGWriterStore.com The first class is Science Fiction Novellas. Nine weeks of classes and one month of writing. 4 different genres over the year. For more information, go to the writer store and watch the videos that Kris did about the classes. We have another smaller series starting up this week. Stay turned. And the new quarters of Motivational Monday and Creative Survival are starting next week as well. Plus the 2024 words per day challenge in 2024 will have an April restart or fresh start. If you are an Everything Subscriber in the challenge,…
Fiction Branding… Part 6
One More Preliminary Suggestion… Before getting into more details on branding in general. The suggestion: Have a Shopify store. Is it possible to build a brand with only books selling through Amazon and other bookstores world wide? Sure. My gut sense is that unless you have been living under a rock for the past 15 years or sticking your head in the traditional publishing cesspool, you have already been branding your own series. More than likely you have branded to genre. And your author name has a brand if you got out of your own way and didn’t hide your name in small print at the bottom of the cover.…
Been Writing…
And My Arm is Sore… So not any time or desire to write any thing tonight. Tomorrow… But I really want to get this story done that so far has turned into two novels. So we shall see. But now I have kept the blogging streak alive. It is just a streak of blogging. Didn’t say the blog had to be about anything. Call this a Seinfeld blog.
Fiction Branding… Part 5
Not All Stories Are Created Equal… I hate to bring up this topic, but sort of needed for this series right about now. Why do I hate saying that not all stories are suited for branding? Because writers have the lowest opinions of their own work and will automatically take this as an excuse to not bother on some stories or series that could be branded. Here is the reality. Just because you can’t yet think of how a brand would even happen with a series of stories or novels does not mean it can’t happen. And the reverse is true. Just because you think a series of stories would…
Only Hours Left…
6 SF Novellas Kickstarter Ends Thursday at 7pm… The campaign has hit six stretch goals. That means that all backers of any reward, including workshops, gets all six Kristine Kathryn Rusch science fiction novellas, plus six science fiction novelettes. Wow, that is a lot of great science fiction reading. And also for writers, so far they get four writing classes worth $150 each. $600 value. Again, wow!! Only hours left!!! Don’t miss this one… Check it out here! Special Workshops only in this kickstarter…. For the writers who love to write stories and learn the craft and business of writing, we are offering some very, very special workshops through this…
Last Full Day on Kickstarter
6 SF Novellas Kickstarter Ends Thursday at 7pm… The campaign has hit five stretch goals so far, and gaining on another. That means that all backers of any reward, including workshops, gets all six Kristine Kathryn Rusch science fiction novellas, plus five science fiction novelettes. And also for writers, so far they get three writing classes worth $150 each. So only one day left! Don’t miss this one… Check it out here! Special Workshops only in this kickstarter…. For the writers who love to write stories and learn the craft and business of writing, we are offering some very, very special workshops through this Kickstarter campaign. These will only be…
2 Days Left to Get Special Workshops…
Kickstarter Ends Thursday at 7pm… For the writers who love to write stories and learn the craft and business of writing, we are offering some very, very special workshops through this Kickstarter campaign. These will only be offered through this campaign and nowhere else, so don’t miss them. And yes, they go with and do not duplicate anything in the novella classes on WMGWriterStore.com — HOW TO MARKET SCIENCE FICTION NOVELLAS This is a special three-week workshop on how to market science fiction novellas in 2024. How to use them for major discoverability and to make great money with them. And there is a short story to write for the third…
3 Days Left On Kickstarter
Six Science Fiction Novellas… From Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Every backer of this Kickstarter campaign, no matter which award they take, gets all six novellas. Some amazing science fiction reading. And you can also get Kris’s Diving Series or her Retrieval Artist series. The stretch rewards are her science fiction novelettes. We have hit three stretch rewards now,plus the special one. Two of those have Pop-Up writing classes as well. Plus there are two special workshops and a chance to get novella workshops at a discount. Check it out here! And watch the video as Kris explains this campaign and her books. (might have to click twice to get it to…
Fiction Branding… Part 4
Stories Don’t Spoil… But wow can authors kill them. I have to deal with this topic before I can move on into branding and how to do it and the reasons for it. Back in the day (say the 1960s through the 1990s), writers would sell a short story and then toss it into a file cabinet. A lucky few stories got reprinted, but the attitude was that once a story was published (no matter the market), it had spoiled and was no longer of value. Writers did this with books as well. I can’t begin to tell you about the hundreds of boxes of manuscripts, proofs, and spoiled matter…
Something Special…
SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL We need to reach 170 Backers by Monday night at midnight… If the Six Novellas Kickstarter Campaign reaches 170 backers by Monday night at midnight West Coast Time, every backer of any reward at $25.00 and above will get a free ebook copy of the Kristine Kathryn Rusch novelette A HELPING HAND. And for writers, the full Pop-Up class #21… FEAR OF SUCCESS. This is a $150 value and yes, if not a writer or you have already taken this class, you can gift it to a writer friend. We are also within just a few dollars of hitting the third stretch goal, so help us pass…