Day Thirteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Thirteen: Day Thirteen of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, but the allergies are still killing me, even with a pill today. And my hearing seemed to get even worse today. Clogged up it with that 30,000 foot in the air feeling trying to pop my ears. All day. On top of that, I was so stupidly busy, I flat forgot to come here and make some entries. Didn’t even think about it until 1 am in the morning. So I will reconstruct the day in one entry for this chapter. Day Thirteen, Entry One (And only).…
Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in a Half Month
Chapter Twelve: Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, but the allergies are killing me, even with a pill today. I have hearing issues anyway, but today felt like I was at 30,000 feet and my ears hadn’t popped yet. And even put in my hearing aids and all that did was make it seem worse. Have I said in previous springs how much I hate allergies? (grin) Day Twelve, Entry One. 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm. I got up around 11:30 and got to this internet computer at 12:15. Worked solid on workshop stuff and…
Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Eleven: Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, still woke up exhausted at 11:30 am, but realized after a bi that was because of the crazy level of allergies that the winds are kicking up. Yikes. So feeling better after a bit. (Better living with drugs.) Day Eleven, Entry One. 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm. I worked straight through on email. Today is Sunday, which is a lot of deadlines for stuff, and writers always wait until deadlines, so email today has been brutal. So spent the entire almost two hours just cleaning that up.…
Day Ten of Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Ten: Day Ten of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Got to move my going to bed back to 4 am. Just too tired today after staying up until 5:30 this morning. So far doing that has caused me a number of naps today. So tonight I roll to bed at my normal 4 am and get a solid night’s sleep. That is the plan, we shall see how that goes. Day Ten, Entry One. 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Out of bed a little before noon and made it to the computer here by 1:00 pm. Worked on emails for an hour until 2:00 pm. 2:00 pm…
Day Nine: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Nine: Day Nine of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Exhausted to start off the day because I ended up reading Cave Creek stories until after 4:30 am last night and then had to watch a little television to shut off the brain. Still got up at my normal 11:30 am, but tired. Day Nine, Entry One. 12:30 pm. Out of bed at 11:30 like normal and to the internet computer by 12:30 pm. Worked on emails for an hour until 1:30, then a bunch of business stuff for a bit longer. 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm. Went out to get us lunch (take out) and run an…
Day Eight: Writing a Novel in a Half Month
Chapter Eight: Day Eight of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Very late getting this first entry up, so might only be two in this chapter. We shall see. Nothing really wrong today, just never made time to come here and do an entry until now at 10 pm. Ahh, well. I’ll try harder tomorrow. Day Eight, Entry One. 12:30 pm. Out of bed at 11:30 like normal and to the internet computer. Worked on emails for an hour until 12:30, then a bunch of business stuff for a bit longer. 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. More internet stuff and workshop stuff for another hour. Amazing how that chews…
Day Seven: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Seven: Day Seven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Back to my normal times and today nothing really forced me out of routine. I had originally planned on going to the store this afternoon, since I did not go on Monday because of too much to do, but turned out I didn’t need to go, so maybe Friday. So otherwise a normal day with Loren Coleman and I spending some time on the phone talking Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers. He has a book on the topic coming out that is going to be amazing. Stay tuned here on that. Day Seven, Entry One. 12:30 pm. …
Day Six: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Six: Day Six of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Ended up getting up an hour ahead of my normal time. Rolled out at 10:30 am, not for any reason other than I had had enough rest, even though I went to be around 4 am. Just resting and watching television for a number of hours is actually restful. Who knew. So made it to this internet computer at 11:30 Day Six, Entry One. 12:30 pm. For the first hour starting at 11:30 am I did a bunch of email. Got that caught up some. 1:30 pm. For the next hour I did a short newsletter that will…
Day Five: Writing a Novel In A Half Month
Chapter Five: Day Five of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Again today started out as just another regular day, but Mondays are never just another day, so even though I took out my normal grocery shopping, the day so far has been just as I expected. Last night, after I signed off here, I watched a little television before going to bed at 4 am. Day Five, Entry One. 11:30 am. Rolled out of bed and was at this internet computer at 12:30 pm doing email and business stuff. 2:00 pm. Lunch with Kris and today watched news. 3:00 pm. Regular weekly Zoom meeting with the main crew…
Workshop Questions and Day Four: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Some Workshop Sale Questions Answered First… Before jumping into the first post for Day Four, Chapter Four… Questions About Classes for the sale… Yes, you can still jump into the Shared Worlds class. Lots of videos to catch up on, and just last night I put out a call for another Cave Creek story. I am sure there will be more calls for stories in the Cave Creek shared world, but if you do jump in, watch all the videos first. Again, there are a lot of them. Licensing Class and Decades Ahead Classes will be going for another full year. The Pandemic ground them to a halt because Licensing…