• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    August Workshops Starting Up

    It’s That Time… August Regular Online Workshops are starting up. Actually, this caught me by surprise tonight as well. Sort of snuck up on me to be honest with all the travel and move stuff. But now I am settled into my new office and moving forward again just in time for these to get started. To be honest, there are very few signed up for these August workshops. Almost everyone will get a private lesson. Remember, the workshops only take a few hours a week of your time, so even for a month like August it should be possible. And September there will be a new workshop announced. And…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Reading And Story Consumption

    Today, While Resting, I Consumed Story… Since I just pulled into town last night, I decided to mostly rest today. So besides some naps, I read part of a Dean Koontz novel called The Silent Corner. It is the first book with a new continuing character. I think he’s got three or four in the series now and it is typical Koontz smooth writing and rich details. And then Kris and I went to a movie, a fun one about a spy who dropped his girlfriend. Just a wonderful, fun spoof. I seldom talk here about my reading or story consumption. But as any professional writer, I do it all…

  • Challenge

    Long Drive But Safely Home in Las Vegas

    Great Lunch In Boise With Friends… Then drove all the way through to Vegas. Took about 11 hours, with stopping every hour, so I’m tired tonight, but feels wonderful to be home. So I’m looking forward tomorrow to drop into some routines and get the writing back going. But for this Saturday night, this will have to be enough to keep the blog streak alive. Back tomorrow with some new stuff.

  • Challenge

    Getting Excited About Writing

    Life Roll of the Big Move is Almost Past… So I am getting really excited about writing as I get more and more rested. My challenge of the 67 titles in my 67th year got blown out of the water by this life roll, so giving some thought to what I want to do next on that front. Maybe 68? Still thinking about that. And my Cold Poker Gang series is getting some good feedback and was a focus for a time and I have a list of ten titles for that series that need novels to be written. That would be fun as well, since I am now living…

  • Challenge

    And the Streak Continues

    Long, long, long day… Finally got everything out of the house, then drove six hours. Didn’t leave the coast until around 8 p.m., fell asleep (meaning I took a nap) in a store parking lot in Salem, then drove until 2 a.m. and am now in a nice room in a nice hotel. Tomorrow I will be rested, but tonight, for the blog streak, I am writing this filler. Back with a brain tomorrow. (And I don’t even have a cat picture to add tonight either… what is wrong with me? (Grin))

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The SF Plot Twist Bundle and Nifty Picture and Challenge

    Tonight I Had Dinner With Some Writers… Here I go, headed into year seven with this blog. Tonight, Chris York, Steve York, Dan Duval, and I went out to dinner as I got ready to head out of town and Chris York wore a tee-shirt from 23 years ago. You see, Kris and I needed a ton of help 23 years ago to move to the coast. So our friends who helped got special tee-shirts that said, “What is worse than getting rejected by two magazines? Moving Them!” I was editing the first incarnation of Pulphouse and Kris was the editor of F&SF 23 years ago. How Chris York found…

  • Challenge

    Six Years Without Missing A Day

    A Blog Here Every Day for 2,190 Straight Days… Didn’t miss a one. Not one day, even with computer issues, web site issues, hospital stays, traveling, major move across country, death of friends. Not one day went by that I didn’t blab about something here, from important writing stuff to my cats and everything between. So here I sit, in my office in Lincoln City, doing this blog tonight. Not only does this mark six full years, but this is my last blog from this office. (No worry, I will keep the streak going until it breaks.) But tomorrow my desks and computers will be moved and this house will…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just About Clear

    That’s Why All The Announcements Lately… I am about to get back to writing shortly, since this four months of move is almost over. And Kris and I wanted to make sure everything we had been talking about starting was announced. So we announced the Master Business Class in October in Las Vegas. As of this moment there are six spots still open. www.wmgworkshops.com and click on the Master Business Class for more information and the fantastic list of instructors. And we announced the nifty new Study Along workshops and got them all up on Teachable.com. Those allow you to study along with the craft workshops in Las Vegas while staying…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Lifetime Subscription to Vegas Workshops

    Amazing Fun Stuff… We just announced the new Study Along workshops where online you can study along with the Vegas craft workshops. And we offered a lifetime subscription to that. Now, in preparation for the 20th year of the in-person workshops, first here at the coast, now in Las Vegas, WMG Publishing Inc. has decided to offer a really good deal for the in-person workshops. A Vegas Workshop Lifetime Subscription to any and all Las Vegas in-person workshops. Each workshop fee is $750 and we have eight planned for 2019 (plus one in October this year that is still taking sign-ups). One 2019 workshop is not announced yet, but will…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Not Rewriting. A Great Image of Proof

    O’Neil De Noux Gives You Pictures… I know it is impossible for some of you to get out of your own way, to understand that the stupidity of the saying “Writing is Rewriting” can kill your writing and your dream. Numbers of us over the years have tried to show by truth and example the silliness of rewriting. Heinlein gave his business rules, pulp writers showed by example, I do this blog, often detailing my writing, and Harlan Ellison also tried to show by example. In a wonderful blog, award-winning writer O’Neil de Noux shows you what it looked like for Harlan to write in a bookstore window. Check it…