Pulp Speed Challenge Update
Slow Start… Actually, I think that is an understatement. I should, if I was on schedule, be finishing the first novel tomorrow, September 18th. Nope, not even close. I knew going in that this last week was going to be a ton of work on the business and other stuff, but turned out to be even more than I had planned. I supposed I should have planned for that as well. (grin) But I have a saving out. My plan was to finish this first novel in ten days tomorrow, then take four days away from the challenge because of a trip back up to the coast. Going to have…
Four Hours Left!
Don’t Miss This One… Just four hours left and so far everyone supporting the will not only get their subscription and award, like workshops and such, but will get nine (9) extra books. And I will stop posting about this here when this is done. (grin) But if you want discounts in workshops and lectures, this is the last few hours to get them.
Twelve Hours Left on the Subscription Drive
We Hit the Sixth Stretch Goal… Lots of extra books to every supporter. This subscription drive has until 4 p.m. West Coast Time Monday (TODAY!). And then it will be all done and I will go back to reporting on my challenge and stirring up trouble. (grin) Give it a look if you haven’t so far. It has some pretty nifty awards and other things. Click Here. For example, we have an award where you get two writing books, a lecture, a subscription, and a chance to submit a story if you want to a volume of Fiction River in February. Here are the details for one last time. Pledge…
24 Hours To Go
Fiction River Subscription Drive Kickstarter… A nifty award that also allows you to send a story to try to be in a Fiction River volume, fantastic discounts on workshops (remember, with every regular workshop credit through the Kickstarter, you get a free Classic Workshop credit as well.) And if you want to see what Fiction River is all about, and all the nifty volumes that have already been done, go to FictionRiver.com and click on previous volumes. It’s a stunner. Don’t miss out on this one.
Kickstarter Also Hit Fourth Stretch Goal
And Is Almost to the Fifth… Lots of extra books to every supporter. This subscription drive has until 4 p.m. Monday, in essence, as I write this, 36 hours to go. Give it a look if you haven’t so far. It has some pretty nifty awards and other things. Click Here. We have the new award where you get two writing books, a lecture, a subscription, and a chance to submit a story if you want to a volume of Fiction River in February. Here are the details. Pledge $100 or more. WRITER’S SPECIAL Get books, a lecture, a subscription, and the chance to be in a volume of Fiction…
Kickstarter Hit Third Stretch Goal
Only Has Two Days Left… We are within $500 of hitting the fourth stretch goal and doing great so far. If we hit that 4th goal, everyone supporting the subscription drive will not only get the subscription and their chosen reward, but at least five extra books. Five. And with more if we can go farther. Those of you workshop people, there are deals on workshops on this subscription drive. For $250 you get a $300 workshop plus a $150 classic workshop. So $450 in value for $250. There is also a $750 level where you can get three credits for workshops (to take at any time you want going…
Back on Track
A Break in the Rough Life Weather… Finally, life today allowed me some hours for writing and I got some done. The first novel is just around 10,000 words so far, but I am picking up speed and loving the story. Still not one clue where it is going, but I hope to find out as soon as I finish it. Here is how I am looking at this challenge in a very simple way. I need to do a novel on average every ten days. That would be idea. So as I expected, this has been a very slow start. I haven’t even had time yet to write the…
Three New Lectures
These Three Lectures Are Special… In fact, they will only be offered once each this fall and never again. Kris and I have been working on these for some time and finally decided to do them this fall. Very limited to the Lecture Lifetime Subscribers and ten more. I have zero doubt, from all the questions Kris and get constantly on this topic from writers, that these lectures will fill very, very quickly. So can you imagine one day the phone rings and it is someone you don’t know wondering if your movie rights are available??? Happens all the time. What do you do? And one day it will happen…
New Fiction River Kickstarter Award for Writers
We Think This Is A Good One… It is at the $100 reward level for that only has four days left!!! Here is the Reward We Just Added… ——— Pledge $100 or more. WRITER’S SPECIAL Get books, a lecture, a subscription, and the chance to be in a volume of Fiction River. You will get two writing books in electronic format out of the list of writing books in the WMG Inventory. You will also get your choice of a lecture on writing, a $50 to $75 value. You will also get a full year (six issues) subscription to Fiction River. All of that has a value of about $100.…
Total Miss
Day Turned Into a Crazy Busy Day… So no words done today. Will I miss other times on this challenge? Oh, you bet. I knew these last two days were going to be tough before I even set up this challenge. And sadly, I was right. But not worried in the slightest. The next seven look pretty good, so I still think I can get book one done by the end of the 10th day. We shall see. One thing about writing, it is never a straight-line process. Tomorrow I got something really cool to add into the last week of our Fiction River Kickstarter. I will announce it here.…