• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Pop-Up Coming

    How Your Business Can Survive a Downturn… It will be Pop-Up #19. Available in a few days. It will be put inside of the Decade Ahead First Quarter class. We had always planned on putting it in there, with Pop-Up #18 in February and this new one in March. But we did not expect what is happening now when we planned this. Scary times. This Pop-up will help. So the Pop-Up #19 will be available in the Decade Ahead First Quarter or as a stand-alone or in the bundles for Pop-Ups. I will announce it here when it is posted. Honestly, the best deal is the Decade Ahead Bundle, get…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Writing in Public

    What Is Writing In Public?

    Got That Question Twice Today… Because I mentioned it when talking about writing the first Cave Creek novel. So even though I will show this and talk about it later this week when I start the novel, here is what I mean. I have, over time, basically did a chronicle here of my day, most of the details, and how much writing I got on a certain project. I did that when I wrote the novel in five days while traveling, and that is the name of the book that came out of the blog posts. And I started the practice when I wrote a novel in ten days as…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Something Fun…

    For Cave Creek Kickstarter Backers… I have decided to give all the backers of the Cave Creek a short story or two. As a way of saying thanks for the support in the Kickstarter. First one will go out later this week. “If Twilight Zone had a home town, it would be Cave Creek.” That’s how we are describing Cave Creek, and I have those writers in the Shared Worlds Class (still open to sign up) going and getting up to speed on the early Twilight Zone episodes. Because they are all going to be writing Cave Creek stories if they want. So I figured I would give the supporters…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Going Running

    Very Early In the Morning… After Daylight Savings Time switches… Yikes… So nothing to talk about tonight, other than I was told earlier that fulfillment for the Year of the Cat Kickstarter will be going out this coming week. And I hope everyone who got the nifty How To Write a Cat Story special workshop got my letter and codes. If not, write me. And the Cave Creek Kickstarter campaign is going toward the first stretch goal at a good pace. And it is in the second stretch goal that we started to put writer rewards. So pass the word. And the special workshop that you can only get in…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing

    Cave Creek Funded!!

    In Just Twenty Hours… That is one of our fastest Kickstarter campaign funding ever. So cool. Thank you, everyone! And now everyone who backs the Cave Creek Kickstarter gets a free electronic copy of my novel Thunder Mountain, the first in my western time travel series. Plus wow do we have a bunch of fantastic writer classes in the stretch goals. Check it out and then pass the word. Also, tonight (Friday) there will be more videos posted in the Shared World class about shared worlds and how this Kickstarter and the anthologies and my novel in the world works and will impact things. In other words, a little of…

  • Cave Creek,  Fun Stuff

    Cave Creek Kickstarter Live!!

    We’re Up and Going!! So anyone wants to see what this is all about, give it a check. And make sure you watch the really fun video that Gwyneth and I did (mostly her, I just talked.) Wow, this is a fun project. We have a gift card reward now, something that is limited and collectable and you can get all three anthologies on. And we added in retail discounts as well. And wow, are we giving away a lot of workshop stuff if this thing takes off. So pass the word and join the Shared Worlds class if you want to be a part of this. But first take…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some Shared World Fun!

    Cave Creek… Tomorrow, if all things work, a Kickstarter campaign will be firing up called Cave Creek. It’s going to be a fun one and I will announce it here when it launches, either tomorrow or Friday early. One thing to know. The Shared World Class is still open for sign-ups. It is where writers will be not only learning to write for shared worlds (and have been getting background for a bunch of months), but writing for Cave Creek anthologies. I will also be writing a Cave Creek novel in public, meaning I will keep track of the writing here, out in public, on this site, as I do…

  • Challenge,  New Book Out,  publishing

    I Think This Is Cool!

    Three of My Collections… As most of you know, I seldom talk about my books or what I am publishing here, except when I am doing a challenge or writing in public on a project. But last year I did do a nifty Make 100 Short Stories Kickstarter that many of you backed. And you should have gotten two of the three large anthologies promised. But when I looked at all three of them together on WMG Publishing site, I found it very cool. So take a glance. I love the branding and the look and am proud of those three collections.

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two New Projects

    I Am Having A Blast… Working on two new projects. One you will see in a day or so and has a lot to do with the Shared World Class. And I am madly working on finishing a new Cold Poker Gang novel for a coming bundle. Yes, it is a cat novel. Not kidding. I seldom talk about books and stories I am writing here. But got a couple short-challenges coming up I may do the old daily writing report I haven’t done for a while. We shall see. And speaking of cats, if you got the Special How to Write a Cat Story workshop reward in the Year…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Videos Are Up

    In Numbers of Classes and Challenges… New weekly videos are up in both the Publishing Challenge and the Novel Challenge. In the publishing I talk about what I did this last week in publishing and in the novel challenge I talk about my own writing, which will really pick up speed tomorrow. (Both are open for sign-ups.) New videos in the first quarter of the Decade Ahead, the first of many that will be in March this month, since March is a very important month. So four new videos there. (You can still sign up for it or for the full year.) Of course the Licensing Transition Class has the…