Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

A Fun Teaser

I Did a Podcast About Writing…

With John Goodwin for the Writers of the Future Podcast. I always have a lot of fun talking with John and I think that comes across here.

This is a very short teaser they put together on YouTube for the podcast I did with them, with a bunch of pictures of me and others at the event. One picture you can see me and my long-time good friends Keven J. Anderson and Rob Sawyer. Fun picture.

So take a look. The topic of this teaser is a Hubbard essay on writing that even going on a hundred years after he wrote it is worth the time to read.

And yes, I still have the long hair and yes, it still looks like that. (grin)

Hope you listen to the entire podcast and if you like it, let John know.


Don’t forget the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2022 on Kickstarter. Great reading and great writer’s workshops and every backer gets a six-issue subscription to Pulphouse no matter what reward you take. And we have already hit two stretch goals, next one has a free writing class with it. Pass the word and help us hit it.


  • Linda Niehoff

    Loved the interview. It’s always so inspiring to hear your origin story. Here’s a question. You mention that writing slow is deadly and you started writing faster and getting published. I think I remember you touching on that briefly in another class. I’m assuming in this instance you’re talking about slow being endlessly tinkering and rewriting and second guessing yourself, correct? I know speed=more time in the chair. So I’m assuming slow means endlessly going back over it? Also I’d love to read “One Last Dance”! When is it coming back out?? 😉

    • dwsmith

      “One Last Dance” has never been out of print. I wrote it, while moving, sitting on a bed with my electric typewriter on a box, in about two hours to hit the deadline.

      Yes, slow was what English teachers taught. Many rewrites, trying to make everything perfect even though I didn’t have a clue what perfect might be, let alone that there are no perfect stories.

      Seven years of that, no sales or even personal rejections. When I found Heinlein’s Rules is when everything changed and I started selling.

      Glad you liked the interview.