Challenge,  publishing

Write Stuff Story Bundle

Holy Smokes is This A Great Bundle!!!

9 writing books and a $150 Pop-up, all for $15.00. Kris did a stunning job rounding up these books.

Every time I look at this bundle, I think “Wow, I want this one.” (Luckily, I get a copy. (grin))

So here is Kris’s blog about the bundle once more. Remember, these bundles are limited time offers. After that you could still get them all but instead of $15 it would cost around $200 total. Just saying.

The 2021 Write Stuff Bundle 

Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

When it comes to the publishing business, most writers believe that the only way to make money is to do what the big publishers do. Writers put their books in bookstores and pay a lot for advertising, and hope that one of their books will take off and make them millions.

Savvy writers know that the systems big publishers use worked well in the 20th century, but simply aren’t enough in 2021. Readers have spread out, away from brick-and-mortar bookstores. Often readers get their books online or at conferences or through venues like Storybundle—as well as through the traditional channels.

Writers can make a spectacular living without going through traditional channels. Knowing how to make a living means having a business plan, learning how to handle cash flow, and negotiating the new ways to reach readers, like crowd-funding.

This bundle covers a lot of the new ways to reach readers and run a writing business in 2021. From learning how to write a good novel in thirty days or less to learning how to properly work with modern bookstores to learning the best way to work with the film and tv industry, we’ve got you covered. We’ve even provided tips on how to handle the toxic people in your life, the ones who will be (or are) jealous of your success.

Four of these books are Storybundle exclusives. You can only get those books here. Look for the “exclusive” banner for more information.

In addition, we’ve chosen a charity that helps people with disabilities join the online gaming community. The key word here is community, since so many people have become homebound. They need an outlet, and AbleGamers tailors gaming consoles and other equipment to individuals so that they can participate, make friends, and spend time with others, without leaving their homes.

So as you get all of this wisdom from the bundle, toss a few dollars at AbleGamers on the way out. We appreciate it! Kristine Kathryn Rusch

* * *

For StoryBundle, you decide what price you want to pay. For $5 (or more, if you’re feeling generous), you’ll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format—WORLDWIDE.

  • The 30-Day Novel and Beyond! by Stefon Mears
  • Cash Flow for Creators by Michael W Lucas
  • Write a Conference Proposal by Johanna Rothman
  • Your Author Business Plan by Joanna Penn


If you pay at least the bonus price of just $15, you get all four of the regular books, plus five more books and a video lecture! That’s a total of 9 books and 1 lecture, including four exclusives not found anywhere else but this StoryBundle!

  • WMG Publishing Presents: Dealing With Toxic People by Dean Wesley Smith
  • Tips About the Film/TV Industry for Novelists by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (StoryBundle Exclusive)
  • How to Write a Novel in Half a Month by Dean Wesley Smith (StoryBundle Exclusive)
  • A Writer’s Introduction to Social Media Marketing by Tonya D. Price, MBA (StoryBundle Exclusive)
  • Working with Libraries and Bookstores by Mark Leslie Lefebvre
  • Crowdfunding Your Fiction by Loren L. Coleman (StoryBundle Exclusive)