Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

Went Running…

Well, Sort of…

Kris and I and Lisa did a live, in-person race this morning. One of the few the state has allowed to happen. We went out in 25 person waves every thirty minutes, and even inside each wave we were spread apart. Very safe.

Beautiful day, sunny, in the 60s. Typical Vegas December day.

I managed to run just over a mile of the three miles, walked the rest. Not exercising much for three weeks since the marathon and still slightly sore feet made this an easy one. Kris beat me by a long ways and she’s nursing a sore knee. And I think Lisa tied her best time for what she is doing.

So more than anything, it was great fun to be out and about doing something that is great fun.

A picture of Kris ready to go this morning, with not one, not two, but three masks and a Santa hat.

A picture of me sort of just strolling across the finish line. Proof that I could make three miles.