• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Job By Another Name

    I Sort Of Have A Job… Well, I don’t get paid for it, so not sure you could call it a job. And it has no regular hours or things like that. But because of us buying a third retail store, and the ramping up of a bunch of publishing stuff this winter and spring, Allyson and Kris have decided I need to sort of take over the stores. (Allyson and Billy were sort of doing it before, splitting duties.) Now Billy,  the head of WMG Sales, runs our south store and will be starting at the end of this year and into next year an entire new phase of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Working All Evening On Lectures

    Took a While… On Monday I am doing two lectures, one on corporations for writers and one on IP Valuation and Copyright Termination Clause. Great fun for me. I love reading about copyright and studying copyright. Why wouldn’t I? It’s how I make my living. So tonight I got deep into the Google of articles on those topics (and others, of course, when Google is at play.) I already had my lectures pretty set, just wanted to play more. (grin) Should be a fun few hours for at least me. Not sure how the poor folks who will be listening will take it. (grin) What is a Copyright Termination Clause?…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Back To Regular Programming

    The Dust is Settling… It’s going to take one more week of fun stuff before everything returns to normal around here. But all fun and massive learning. Nothing stressful at all. I have spent part of the evening reading short stories from the challenge going on. And also planning out a new challenge for myself for the coming year. And part of the challenge is to do another short story month in November before turning back to novels and other projects. Also getting out Issue Zero of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine in November. Plus reading short stories coming in for the challenge. So going to be a really fun short-fiction month.…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Kickstarter Finished Strong

    Wow, just Wow!!!… Thank you, everyone, for the support for bringing back Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. It means more than you know. As for those of you who took the workshop reward, hold on for a short time and we’ll contact you through Kickstarter just before the end of the month. And yes, you can take November workshops just fine. They don’t start until the 7th, so lots of time to sign up once we contact you. No one will be blocked from a November workshop they want to take, so no worries there. Same with the lectures. We’ll contact you through a survey in Kickstarter around the first of the…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Last Hours!

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter… Only hours left. It will close a little after 6 p.m. West Coast time, so don’t miss out. And I am stunned and thankful for all the hundreds of people who have supported this project. I always felt sad the most when we closed Pulphouse Incorporated back in 1996 to stop this magazine. So now, 21 years later, to have this kind of support bringing Pulphouse Fiction Magazine back is wonderful. So thank you!! As a reminder and last pitch, every supporter gets an Issue Zero, and extra copy on their subscription, and three special books. If you are thinking of workshops, this is the way…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    36 Hours or Less Left

    Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter Time Ticking Down… That’s right, less than 36 hours left by the time most read this. It has been amazing and I am so excited about getting Issue Zero together and out to all supporters in November. And then Issue One in January. And only 36 hours to get the special deal on the workshops. $250 instead of $300 for any regular monthly workshop through the Kickstarter, plus a free Classics Workshop for every workshop you get on the Kickstarter. Go to: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/pulphouse-fiction-magazine (If anyone is having any issues with Kickstarter and want the same workshop deal, I will offer same terms including the subscriptions if you…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Cover For 4th Stretch Goal Book

    Just Two Days Left… Counting down. We hit the fourth stretch goal and going into the final stretch. Thank you everyone for the support. Below is the cover for the book everyone who supports the kickstarter will get. That’s three books, an Issue Zero, and an extra issue everyone will get plus the reward you sign up for. Also, if you take a workshop reward, you will also get a free Classic Workshop with each regular workshop. And just today on Teachable.com we have up a new classic workshop. “Plotting with Depth.” Take a look at all the lectures and classic workshops at: http://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ That’s seven classic workshops we have…

  • Cover Fun,  On Writing,  publishing

    Cover Workshop Starts Wednesday!!

    BRANDING SCIENCE FICTION COVERS WORKSHOP… Allyson Longueira, the publisher of WMG Publishing has offered to design a cover and help brand a science fiction series for a limited number of writers. For those of you who don’t know her, Allyson is an award-winning designer who also happens to have a masters degree in design. Over the years, Allyson helped writers with cover design in coast workshops here and for a short time we did a basic cover design workshop to help writers learn how to do covers. But this one-time short workshop on branding science fiction covers is different. Working with you, Allyson will design a brand for your books and give you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    Amazing. And Wonderful!… For anyone supporting the Kickstarter, you now get Issue Zero of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, an extra issue on whatever subscription you signed up for, and three different books over the next 18 months. How cool is that? Only three days left to jump in. I had some good questions about the workshop credits being offered through the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. Question One: How Can I Get More than Just the One or Three Workshops? You can get as many workshops as you want in increments of $250. If you want one, there is a reward for that. If you want two, just add $250 to the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Classic Workshop Kickstarter Offer

    Two Workshops For the Price of One… A week or so back I mentioned that if you support the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter by buying an online workshop credit. ($300 value for $250 through the Kickstarter), you will get for each workshop credit, a Classic Workshop Credit as well. (A $150 value.) Plus you get a subscription to the magazine as well. Well, ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT to get this offer. That’s right, the Kickstarter only has four days left. So don’t miss out on this one. And remember, you can get as many credits as you like. Even though the one reward says three workshops, just add to your…